bumiputran. 馬來人,馬來西亞土著人
Bumiputra 土著;土地之子;馬來西亞土著;土著 (馬來西亞);Bank Bumiputra 馬來西亞本土銀行;Bumiputra-Commerce Holdings 土著聯昌控股;土著聯昌;土著Bumiputra Commerce Bank 土著聯昌銀行;Parti Pesaka Bumiputra Bersatu Sarawak 越土著保守統一黨;
1.However, the bumiputra quota has always been regarded as a hindrance in our effort to attract FDI. 然而,土著股權固打一直是我國吸引外資的絆腳石。
2.Bumiputra perks yield a stream of uncontested, negotiated contracts and other forms of patronage to UMNO politicians. 布米普特拉人的額外福利給巫統政客帶來了一系列的無競爭議定合同以及其他形式的贊助。
3.However, the government has been criticised for this practice, as it is argued nationalised corporations belong to the public at large, and not only to the Bumiputra. 然而這一實踐所引發的有關國有機構不僅僅屬於馬來人而屬於更廣大的公眾的爭議卻使政府廣受批評。