grazern. 吃草的動物,食草動物
grazer 吃草動物;牧食生物;草食性動物;草食性魚頭;Brian Grazer 葛瑞澤;格雷澤;布萊恩·格雷澤;布萊恩·葛瑞澤;Grazer AK 格拉茨AK;
1.It was an omnivorous grazer, sweeping up drifting fish, jellyfish and dead carrion as well as plants. 它是一種什麼都吃的動物,清掃漂浮的魚、水母、腐肉和植物。
2.With the urchins gone, it was up to another grazer, the colourful parrotfish, to keep the algae under control. 沒有了海膽,就得靠另一種食草動物——色彩斑斕的鸚嘴魚——來控制藻類。
3.Six months after sipping coffee in Chirac's office, Howard, Grazer and the rest of the "Da Vinci Code" team swarmed into the Louvre and set up shop for a week of night shoots. 在與希拉克見面6個月後,霍華德,格拉澤和《達。芬奇密碼》劇組的其他工作人員湧進盧浮宮,安營紮寨,準備為期一周的夜間拍攝。