outgoingsn. 【經】支出;開支(outgoing的複數形式)
outgoings 支出;花費;開銷 開支;開支;expenditure outgoings 開支支出;outgoings and expenses 支出及開支;支出及開支 財經;apportionment of outgoings 開支的分攤;incomings and outgoings 收入和支出;收支;
1.V:Besides the largest of outgoings, staff costs, as well as provision for doubtful debts and depreciation. 代表:除去員工費用最大的一塊支出,以及壞帳準備金及折舊費之外。
2.He gets only 300 yuan a month. How could he possibly balance his family's outgoings with such a small income? 他一個月只賺300多塊錢,怎麼能夠支付得起家裡所有的花費呢?
3.One young Beijing couple, for example, Liu Hao and Wang Ni, rely heavily on financial support from their parents, as their monthly outgoings surpass their income. 北京一對年輕夫婦劉浩和王妮由於入不敷出,只能靠父母為他們提供大量經濟支援。