Pacificadj. 太平洋的n. 太平洋
Pacific 太平洋;和平的;太平洋的;太平洋的和平的;Pacific Moon 和平之月;平之月全集;和月;Pacific Pearl 太平洋珍珠綠;Pacific Internet 太平洋網際網絡;太平洋寬頻;太平洋互聯網;太平洋網絡;Pacific Mall 太古廣場;太古商場;太古廣場;太平洋百貨;
1.The ship steamed off into the Pacific. 這艘船靠蒸汽駛進了太平洋。
2.Can you take my baggages in Pacific Hotel? 你能到太平洋旅館拿我的行李嗎?
3.The Panama Canal connects the Atlantic with the Pacific. 巴拿馬運河連結了大西洋和太平洋。
The scenery is beautiful near the Pacific Ocean. - 太平洋海洋附近的風景是美麗的。
Is this the right bus for Pacific Boulevard? - 這是去太平洋大道的車嗎?
Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the Polynesian peoples now living in the Pacific Islands came from.The sagas of these people explain that some of them came from Indonesia about 2,000 years ago. - 其中一部分是約在2,000年前從印度尼西亞遷來的。
As the heads of next-generation start-ups, these Asian innovators can draw on customs and languages to forge righter links with crucial Pacific Rim markets. - 作為新掘起一代的帶頭人,亞裔發明家可以憑借他們在習慣和語言上的優勢,與關鍵的太平洋沿岸市場建立起更加牢固的聯繫。
Any ship that crosses the Pacific is accompanied for many days by the smaller albatross, - 任何一艘橫度太平洋的輪船都會有一種小信天翁伴隨飛行許多天。
New Zealand is also home to about 170,000 Pacific Islanders from Oceania who have settled mainly in Auckland in North Island. - 新西蘭也是那些來自大洋諸島大約170,000島民的家園,他們大多定居在北島的奧克蘭。