n. scope
telescope['teliskəup]vt. 壓縮;使套疊vi. 套疊;變短n. 望遠鏡;縮疊式旅行袋
telescope 望遠鏡;單筒望遠鏡;望眼鏡;計數管望遠鏡;Galilean telescope 伽利略望遠鏡;望遠鏡;釋義:伽利略(氏)(折射)望遠鏡;伽利略式望遠鏡;terrestrial telescope 正像望遠鏡;地面望遠鏡;人像望遠鏡;地文望遠鏡;photographic telescope 攝影望遠鏡;天體照相機;照相望遠鏡;釋義:攝影望遠鏡;celestial telescope 天體望遠鏡;
1.When the two trains crashed into each other,the cars were telescoped. 當兩列火車相撞時,車廂都疊擠到一塊兒了。
2.Then I watched the moon through the telescope. 然後我通過望遠鏡看了月亮。
3.With a small telescope, Jupiter appears as a circle of yellow. 在小型望遠鏡下,木星彷彿是一道黃色的光環。
The Hubble telescope was launched into space by NASA on April 20,1990 at a cost of over a billion dollars. - 哈勃望遠鏡於1990年4月20日由國家航空航天局發射升空,耗資10多億美元。
NASA is now going to put the telescope right, - 國家航天局準備糾正這一錯誤,
A robot-arm from the Endeavour will grab the telescope and hold it while the astronauts make the necessary repairs. - 當宇航員進行必要的修復工作時,「奮進」號上的一隻機器手將抓住望遠鏡並托住它。
But how would we find such a planet? At present, there is no telescope in existence that is capable of detecting the presence of life. - 但是,我們如何才能找到這樣一顆行星呢?現在,沒有一台現存的望遠鏡可以發現生命的存在。
The development of such a telescope will be one of the great astronomical projects of the twenty-first century. - 而開發這樣一台望遠鏡將會是21世紀天文學的一個重要的研究課題。
Our own warm atmosphere and the heat generated by the telescope would make it impossible to detect objects as small as planets. - 地球周圍溫暖的大氣層和望遠鏡散出的熱量使得我們根本不可能找到比行星更小的物體。
Even a telescope in orbit round the earth, like the very successful Hubble telescope, would not be suitable because of the dust particles iron solar system. - 即使是一台放置在圍繞地球的軌道上的望遠鏡——如非常成功的哈勃望遠鏡——也因為太陽系中的塵埃微粒而無法勝任。
A telescope would have to be as far away as the planet Jupiter to look for life in outer space, because the dust becomes thinner the further we travel towards the outer edges of our own solar system. - 望遠鏡要放置在木星那樣遙遠的行星上才有可能在外層空間搜尋生命。因為我們越是接近太陽系的邊緣,塵埃就越稀薄。
He had been the first to turn a telescope to the sky, - 他是第一個把望遠鏡對準天空的人,
But can we blame those who looked and failed to see what Galileo saw, if we remember that to use a telescope at the limit of its powers calls for long experience and intimate familiarity with one's instrument? - 但是,如果我們想到,便用一架倍數有限的望遠鏡需要長期的經驗和對自己儀器的熟悉程度,那麼我們怎麼能去責備觀察了天空但沒有看到伽利略所看到的東西的那些人呢?
Was the philosopher who refused to look through Galileo's telescope more culpable than those who alleged that the spiral nebulae observed with Lord Rosse's great telescope in the eighteen-forties were scratches left by the grinder? - 某位哲學家曾拒絕使用伽利略的望遠鏡去觀察天空;到了19世紀40年代,有人硬把羅斯勳爵高倍望遠鏡觀測到的螺旋狀星雲說成是磨鏡工留下的磨痕。難道反對伽利略的哲學家比詆毀羅斯勳爵造謠者應受到更大的譴責嗎?
n.直角檢查窺鏡 - right angle examining telescope