





Draw[drɔ:]vt. 畫;拉;吸引vi. 拉;拖n. 平局;抽籤


draw 平局;繪製;左曲球;只讀追憶型光盤;draw up 草擬;起草,制訂;起草,擬訂;(使)停住;draw out 鍛造拔長;拉拔;拉長;掏出(手帕等);draw hole 抽孔;draw filing 磨光銼法;磨銼法;磨挫法;


1.His challenge drew no reply. 他的挑戰沒有得到回答。

2.I can draw animals in the zoo. 我可以畫在動物園裡的動物。

3.Draw your chair nearer to the table. 把你的椅子往桌子拉近一點。


Your gong fu has a lot of good and bad points, but I'd like to draw particular attention to problems in your footwork. - 你的功夫優點和缺點並存,但我希望你能特別要注意你的步法。

I think we can draw up a tentative plan now. - 我認為現在可以先草擬一具臨時方案。

We can't draw well. - 我們不能畫那麼多。

One must draw the line somewhere. - 人之所為,總有限度。

This would solve the problem of ventilation, for if a train entered this tunnel, it would draw in fresh air behind it. - 因為如果有列火車開進隧道,它就把新鮮空氣隨之抽進了隧道。

True eccentrics never deliberately set out to draw attention to themselves. - 真正古怪的人從不有意引人注意。

As the heads of next-generation start-ups, these Asian innovators can draw on customs and languages to forge righter links with crucial Pacific Rim markets. - 作為新掘起一代的帶頭人,亞裔發明家可以憑借他們在習慣和語言上的優勢,與關鍵的太平洋沿岸市場建立起更加牢固的聯繫。

I think we can draw up a tentative plan now. - 我認為現在可以先草擬一具臨時方案。

I am trying to draw a horse. - 我在試著畫一匹馬。

Because of his actions, all Hindus were finally free to draw water from the same village well, to go to the same temple to pray and even marry each other. - 由於他的行動,所有的印度人均可自由地從同一個村井打水,去相同的寺廟做祈禱,甚至還可相互通婚。

You may have noticed something while you were doing this task. The point is that there is a difference between an interest and a skill. If you like art and enjoy looking at pictures, that is an interest. But if you can draw a horse that looks like a horse - 你在回答這些問題時,你可能會注意到一些事。關鍵在於明白興趣和技能是不同的。如果你喜歡藝術樂於觀看圖畫,這只是一種興趣。可是如果你能夠畫出一匹馬,看起來像馬而不像一隻大狗,這就是一種技能。最好的工作是既能運用你做某事的技能,又是你興趣之所在。同樣,如果你相?2283


n. two-step draw dies - 兩段拉模

n. two-step draw dies - 兩級拉伸模

n. draw ring - 伸縮環

n. combination blank and draw dies - 沖壓和拉拔模

n. heating-cooling draw die - 加熱-冷卻拉延模

n. draw piece - 壓延材料

n. draw bead - 壓延輪緣

n. adjustable draw bead - 可調式拉拔機機頭

n. adjustable draw bead - 可調式拉拔機輪緣

n. adjustable draw bead - 可調引導墊圈

n. blank and draw dies - 坯料拉伸制模

n. fixed type draw bead - 固定式壓延胎圈

n. fixed type draw bead - 固定式拉伸撐輪圈

n. draw down - 地下水降落

n. toggle draw die - 套接拉深模

n. draw bending - 拉伸彎曲

n. draw bending machine - 拉伸彎曲機

n. draw mark - 拉伸標誌

n. draw die ring - 拉伸模環

n. draw radius - 拉伸界限

n. draw marks - 拉制痕跡

n. draw nail - 拉制釘

n. combination draw-reverse draw die - 拉延-反拉延組合模

n. combination draw and redraw dies - 拉延再拉延組合模

n. draw bead - 拉延小球

n. draw bending - 拉延彎曲

n. draw ring - 拉延環

n. draw mark - 拉拔傷痕

n. draw bench - 拉撥機

n. draw plate - 拉板

n. draw die ring - 拉模環

n. draw ring - 拉環

n. draw out - 拔絲

draw up the anus - 提肛

draw tube; drawtube - 顯微鏡抽筒

n. power driven draw bending machine - 機動拉伸彎曲機

draw tube; drawtube - 活鏡筒

n. draw marks - 深沖劃傷

n. draw radius - 深沖模圓角半徑

n. draw head - 牽引桿頭

n. draw plate - 牽引板

n. draw ring - 牽引環

n. draw head - 牽桿

n. power driven draw bending machine - 電動拉彎機

n. carbide draw ring - 碳化物拉環

n. carbide draw ring - 碳化物牽引環

n. tube draw bending - 管拉彎

n. combination blank and draw dies - 組合坯料拉模

n. combination draw-reverse draw die - 組合拉伸反向拉伸模

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