hemorrhoidsn. 痔瘡;痔疾
hemorrhoids 痔瘡;氣海俞;痔瘡, 痔;翻譯一篇;bleeding hemorrhoids 釋義:出血性痔;Destruction hemorrhoids 釋義:痔毀壞術;internal hemorrhoids 釋義:內痔;prolapse hemorrhoids 釋義:櫻桃痔;
1.Determine presence of hemorrhoids. 確定有無痔瘡。
2.Objective To establish a HPLC method for the determination of tauroursodeoxycholic acid(TUDCA) in Puji Suppository for hemorrhoids. 目的建立HPLC測定普濟痔瘡栓中牛磺熊去氧膽酸含量的方法。
3.Purposes: the goods for the local anesthetic for wounds, ulcers and hemorrhoids facial pain as well as cough suppressants retreat intermediates. 用途:該品為局部**,用於創面,潰瘍面及痔瘡的止痛,也是鎮咳藥退嗽的中間體。
hemorrhoids close to the anus - 平腸痔
hemorrhoids truss - 痔托帶
internal hemorrhoids with massive bleeding - 血攻痔
n.鎖肛痔 - anal-locaking hemorrhoids
n.櫻桃痔 - cherry-like hemorrhoids
n.痔冷凍療法 - cryotherapy of hemorrhoids
n.外痔 - external hemorrhoids
內痔 - internal hemorrhoids
n.血攻痔 - internal hemorrhoids with massive bleeding
n.鉤腸痣,混合痔 - mixed hemorrhoids
n.懸膽痔 - pedunculated hemorrhoids
n.痔核脫出 - prolapse of hemorrhoids
n.脫垂性外痔 - prolapsed external hemorrhoids
n.脫垂性內痔 - prolapsed internal hemorrhoids
n.絞窄性內痔 - strnagulated internal hemorrhoids
n.外痔栓塞 - thrombosed external hemorrhoids
n.葡萄痔 - thrombosed hemorrhoids
n.潰瘍性內痔 - ulcerated internal hemorrhoids