Kurdn. 庫爾德人(西亞的遊牧民族)
Kurd 庫爾德人;庫德人;Koord Kurd 庫爾德人;
1.Next, according to the constitution, it must choose a president, possibly a Kurd, as before. 然後,根據憲法,議會必須選出一個總統,總統很可能跟以往一樣是一個庫爾德人。
2.We used to be a nation in which the Arab would share with the Turkman and the Kurd and the Assyrian and the Sabean and the Yazid his daily bread. 我的祖國曾是這樣一個國家,在這裡阿拉伯人可以和土庫曼人、庫爾德人、亞述人、塞巴人和亞齊德人一起分享他每日的食糧;
3.Nineveh's deputy governor, a Kurd, says that 1, 600 of his people in Mosul have died at the hands of insurgents since the American invasion-as have "many more Arabs". 尼尼微副省長,一名庫爾德人,說自從美國人入侵,他自己在摩蘇爾的人民有1600名死在叛亂分子手中–而」阿拉伯人則更多」。