MLabbr. 機器語言(Machine Language);宏程序庫(Macro Library);最大相似性(Maximum Likelihood);平均位面(Mean Level)
ML make love;多線;物資清單,物料表;接觸測井;ML MLINE 多線;多線段繪製;ml Gas 兩毫升汽油;ML MacroLibrary 宏程序庫;ML MediaLab 媒體實驗室(麻省理工學院的);
1.The children are walking everywhere. Can you line the ml up? 孩子們到處亂走。你可以要他們排好隊嗎?
2.Place 49 g of phthalic anhydride in an amber bottle and dissolve it in 300 ml of pyridine that has been freshly distilled over phthalic anhydride. 將49克鄰苯二甲酸酐放入琥珀瓶裡,倒入300毫升的嘧啶(在剛才準備鄰苯二甲酸酐的過程中蒸餾好的)稀釋。
3.Having a quick look down the squad list from the screenshot you can see plenty of familiar names with ML legends Castolo and Minanda still in the game. 從屏幕截圖中快速的往下看球隊的清單,你能夠看到很多熟悉的名字,大師聯賽傳奇卡斯特羅和米蘭達仍然在遊戲裡。