





OR[ɔ:, ə]conj. 或,或者;還是


OR 比值比;或,或者;odds ratio;優勢比;or else 否則,要不然;否則;要不然;或者;or rather 更確切地說;更精確地說,倒不如說;毋寧說;準確的說,準確的講;Radiat or 水箱;wired or 線與;連接或門;聯結或門;線或;


1.Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it. 對,過去是痛楚的,但我認為你要麼可以逃避,要麼可以向它學習。落跑的新娘。

2.Water molecules there absorb the energy from the beam and convert it into heat that cuts or abrades. 水分子從那兒吸收來自光束的能量並將其轉換成可以切割或打磨的熱量。

3.In the Enterprise Application Definition box, type or select the name of the enterprise application definition to modify. 在「企業應用程序定義」框中,鍵入或選擇要修改的企業應用程序定義的名稱。


Would you prefer a window, aside or enter seat? - 您喜歡靠窗、靠走道還是中間的位置?

Are you sending it by regular or by speed? - 你要寄平信還是快遞?

OK. But don't delay too long. Or that trip will be all booked. - 好,但不要拖太久,否則會訂滿的。

Did you make any long distance calls this morning, or did you sign for your breakfast? - 您今天早上沒有打長途電話或吃早餐記賬?

Do you think you are introverted or extroverted? - 你認為你性格內向還是外向?

Would you describe yourself as outgoing or more reserved? - 你認為你是個外向的人還是內向的人?

I think something he can use is the best. A watch or something. - 最好是實用的,像手錶啦或什麼的。

OK. Sit down, please. What would you like, Chinese tea or coffee? - 好的,請坐。你想喝點什麼,中國茶還是咖啡?

Do you come here for the sports game or sightseeing? - 您來這兒是參加運動會,還是觀光的?

I love mashed potatoes, and also boiled, baked, scalloped or fried. - 我很喜歡吃土豆泥,還有煮土豆、烤土豆和炸土豆我都喜歡。

Do you live on or off campus? - 你住在校內還是校外?

Is that a proposal, or are we just playing a game? - 這是求婚呢 ,還是僅僅在玩遊戲?

Large or Little? - 大杯還是小杯?

Oh, five or six years ago. - 哦,五六年前。

Well, vitamins or no vitamins, I enjoy walking in the sunshine. Let's go. - 我不在乎有沒有維生素,我喜歡在陽光下散步。走吧。

Do you hike or fish on your trips? - 旅遊時,你會步行或釣魚嗎?

Oh, nothing special. I read, watch TV or go to movies. - 哦,沒什麼特別愛好。平時讀書、看電視或去看看電影。

Don't you have any hobbies, like stamp collecting or things like that? - 你有什麼愛好嗎?像集郵之類的愛好?

Do you like white or colored pearls? - 你喜歡白的或彩色的珍珠嗎?

Paper or plastic? - 現金還是信用卡?

If you don't know a person's last name, use 'ma'am' or 'sir'. - 如果你不知道一人的姓, 你應稱呼他為 'ma'am' 或 'sir' 。

Do you have any brothers or sisters? - 你有兄弟姐妹嗎?

Drop the gun, or I'll shoot. - 扔掉槍, 不然我就開火了。

Do we have to pre-book tours, or can we get them on site? - 我們必須預定行程, 還是到那個地方再說?

Do you want a first class, business class or economy seat? - 你想要頭等艙、商務艙還是經濟艙?

Do you have this in other colors or sizes? - 你有別的顏色或號碼的嗎?

I can't wake up in the morning without a cigarette or cup of coffee. - 早上不抽根雪茄或喝杯咖啡我就醒不了。

Do you want manual or automatic transmission? - 你的汽車想配備一個手動擋還是自動擋?

I have no spare time for hobbies or activities. - 我沒有時間去愛好什麼。

You ordered enough for three or four people,but I'm not complaining. - 你叫了夠三到四個人吃的菜,但我毫不在意。

Marilyn, you want coffee or tea? Marilyn - 要咖啡還是茶?

Railroad stations or airports--Grandpa always tells us he'll get here by himself. - 無論是火車站還是機場,爺爺總是說他會自個兒設法到這 。

Good. Do you have any back or knee problems? - 好。你的背部和膝關節有什麼毛病嗎

I don't understand. Did you exercise or not? - 我搞不懂 ,你到底作了健身操沒有?

You were four or five years old, I think. - 當時你才四、五歲 我想。

about your math teacher or your math homework. - 你的數學老師或你的數學作業。

One scoop or two? - 一杓還是兩杓?

looking for a small house or an apartment - 找一個小住宅或公寓

No. But in five or six months ... - 不急。但是在五 、六個月後……

Do you own your house or do you rent? - 你們自己有房子還是租房子?

Did you bring any savings or salary information? - 你是否帶來儲蓄和薪資的相關資料?

Any stocks or bonds? - 有股票或債券嗎?

until they mentioned needing collateral or a guarantor. - 在他們提到擔保物或擔保人之前。

In two or three months, I'll have an advance on my book - 兩到三個月後 我能得到我那本書的預付款

And if you ever need Dad or me to help you ... - 如果你們的確需要我和爸爸的幫助的話 ……

Is that tall or average or what? - 這樣尺寸是高呢, 還是普通, 或者算怎樣?

Well, Grandpa, you're about five-nine or five-ten. - 嗯, 爺爺。你大概是五英尺九或者五英尺十。

How wonderful! A boy or a girl? - 太好了! 男孩還是女孩?

with two or three other college friends. - 邀兩到三個其他的大學朋友一起。

Can I speak with Mr. or Mrs. Anderson? - 我可以跟Anderson先生或太太說話嗎?


first yang or shaoyang channel - 一陽

first yin or jueyin channel - 一陰

midle enxin field or pectoral region - 中丹田

middle-jiao energy; qi of iniddle-jiao; qi of middle-jiao or middle-jiao energy - 中氣

calenture; heatstroke or sunstroke; n. heat stroke - 中署

apoplexia; apoplexy; apoplexy or wind-stroke syndrome of taiyang - 中風

as an indicator or disease - 主病

main point or master point - 主穴

open wound or rupture of the scrotum - 傷破陰子

five fu-organ or five hollow organs; five holow organs - 五腑

after childbirth; after delivery; postpartum; postpartum or after delivery or after childbirth - 產後

mass in the upper abdomen; mass located in the upper or lower abdomen - 伏梁

affection by cold; attack of cold; exogenous febrile disease or affection by cold; typhia; typhoid; typhoid fever - 傷寒

n. diagonal or oblique pass method - 傾斜軋道方法

endopathic cause; endopathic factors; originating or produced within the body - 內因

the drugs of cold or cool nature - 涼性藥物

woundby knife or ax - 刀斧傷

adhesion separation or spasm-relaxation - 分筋

boundary between muscles or muscular layers; boundary betwiin muscles or musculau layers; flesh adherent to the bone; muscle - 分肉

insert; penetrate; puncture; puncture or insertor penetrate - 刺入

prickle; stabbing pain; twinge; twinge or prickle or stabbing pain - 刺痛

medical circles or medical faculty; medical irles - 醫林

medical circles or medical faculty - 醫界

medical notes or medical professional; medical professional essay - 醫話

sudden onset of lumbago; udden onset oflumbago due to strain or cold - 卒腰痛

mycoplasma-like or ganism - 原質菌狀體

violation or reverse restriction in five elements - 反侮

violation or reverse restriction in five elements - 反克

carbuncle or cellulitis around the ear - 發耳

n. uniform elongation or strain - 均勻伸長或變形

sthenic fire; sthenic fire or vigorous fire - 壯火

vigorous fire or sthenic fire consumes qi - 壯火食氣

sleepiness or drowsiness or somnolence - 多寐

fright at ight; fright at night or night terror; night terrors; nightterrors; nigth terror; pavor nocturnus - 夜驚

acute or chronic orchitis and epididymitis - 子癰

relieving or preventing asthma - 定喘

n. diagonal or oblique pass method - 對角孔型法

brownish red or bloody urine - 尿黃赤或尿血

feeble pulse or weak pulse - 弱脈

ventricular fibrillation or cardiac arrest - 心室顫動或心臟停搏

cry of infant due to pain in the chest or abdomen - 心腹痛啼

prevent recurrence of malaria; preventing attack of malmria; preventing attack or recurrence of malaria - 截瘧

inserting the needle; pncture; puncture or inserting the needle; style - 扎針

wound or injury produced by heavy - 打傷

contracture or subjective sesation of contraction; cramping sensation or sensation of contracture - 拘急

applying ointment or loition; applying ointment or lotion - 搽藥

rotating manipulation or rotating manipulation - 搖法

rotating the needle; shaking the needle or rotating the needle - 搖針

astringing for relieving or preventing asthma - 斂肺定喘

oblique insertion or oblique needling - 斜刺


n.離經脈 - abnormally rapid or slow pulse

n.股脛疽 - abscess on the thigh or shank

n.辛 - acrid or pungent

n.子癰 - acute or chronic orchitis and epididymitis

n.分筋 - adhesion separation or spasm-relaxation

全或無法則 - all or none law

全或無法則 - all or none principle

全或無法則 - all or nothing law

n.止血 - arresting bleeding or arresting hemorrhage

n.中風 - apoplexy or wind-stroke syndrome of taiyang

n.搽藥 - applying ointment or loition

n.搽藥 - applying ointment or lotion

n.紫草 - arnebia or lithosperm root

n.主病 - as an indicator or disease

n.虛弱 - asthenia or weakness

n.斂肺定喘 - astringing for relieving or preventing asthma

n.澀精止帶 - astringing spontaneous emission or leuckorrhea

軸器 - axial or g an

n.血 - blood or the blood system

n.分肉 - boundary between muscles or muscular layers

n.分肉 - boundary betwiin muscles or musculau layers

n.尿黃赤或尿血 - brownish red or bloody urine

n.發耳 - carbuncle or cellulitis around the ear

n.病因 - cause of disease or pathogenic factor

n.拘急 - contracture or subjective sesation of contraction

n.燥咳 - cough caused by dryness or iirritating dry cough

n.拘急 - cramping sensation or sensation of contracture

n.舌苔的潤、燥、腐、膩 - curdy or greasy fur on the tongue

n.心腹痛啼 - cry of infant due to pain in the chest or abdomen

n.直中三陰 - direct attack or the three yin channels

n.髒毒 - dysentery or bloody stool

n.白痢 - dysentery with mycus or purulent discharhe

n.醒脾 - enlivening the spleen or activating the spleen-qi

n.傷寒 - exogenous febrile disease or affection by cold

n.弱脈 - feeble pulse or weak pulse

n.一陽 - first yang or shaoyang channel

n.一陰 - first yin or jueyin channel

n.五腑 - five fu-organ or five hollow organs

n.熏法 - fumigation or smoking

n.陰下濕 - freqrent urination or dribbling of urine

n.陰下濕 - frequent urination or dribbling of urine

n.夜驚 - fright at night or night terror

n.胃脘部脹或悶痛 - fullness or pain

n.脫骨疽,脫疽 - gangrene of finger or toe

n.真氣,正氣 - genuine qi or vitality qi

n.金針 - gold needle or metal needle used for acupuncture

n.賊風 - harmful wind or evil wind

n.中署 - heatstroke or sunstroke

n.藥膏 - herb paste or medical ointment

n.止汗 - hidroschesis or suppression of sweating

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