overexert[,əuvəriɡ'zə:t]vt. 用力過度;用力過猛
overexert 用力過度;用力過大;用力過猛;過於用力;overexert onself 過分賣力;過分操勞;
1.Secondary market, the stock market trends on the 8th overexert moderate volume, there were funds to attract bargain quietly. 二級市場上,該股8日逆市溫和放量逞強,顯示有資金悄然逢低吸納。
2.Unit overexert current moderate volume, with good volume and price, there are signs of money to take the initiative, market outlook is expected to extend up the pattern of shocks. 該股當前溫和放量逞強,量價配合良好,有資金主動性承接跡象,後市有望延續震盪上行格局。
3.Life, I'm a very entangled with the boys doing things, often with words, I do not mind to give up the injury and I think the people and events Is not all love so lonely "overexert" mean? 生活中,我是一個做事很糾結的男生,常常以言不由衷、口不對心的去傷害和放棄那些我自認為難捨難分的人和事。是不是所有的寂寞都愛如此「逞強」呢?