PTCR 熱敏電阻;電阻的正溫度係數;正溫度係數熱敏電阻;測溫環;
1.The electric properties of high polymer PTCR thermistors are strongly influenced by cross-link. 輻射交聯對用於過流保護的高分子聚合物PTCR熱敏電阻器之電性能有較大的影響。
2.By chemical deposition process, nickel electrode on PTCR ceramics of ohmic contact can be acquired at low cost. 用化學沉積法在PTCR陶瓷上製作鎳電極可形成良好的歐姆接觸,且成本較低。
3.The PTCR is a big nonlinearity element. It is difficulty to measure the rms value of the PTCR element in normal method. PTCR是一種強非線性器件,用常規的方法很難測量流經PTCR的電流有效值。