unfoldment[,ʌn'fəuld]n.unfold的變形vt. 展開;攤開: 例句:to unfold one's arms攤開雙臂顯露;表明;吐露: 例句:to unfold one's intentions表明意圖vi. 展開,攤開;伸展: 例句:The enchanting scenery of the West Lake unfolds before our eyes.西湖美景在眼前展開。(花苞等)開放: 例句:The rose buds are unfolding into flowers.玫瑰的花蕾正在開放。發展;壯大;充分表現出來
1.Invention is merely a revelation and an unfoldment of Universal Wisdom. 創新只不過是一種揭示宇宙智慧的過程。
2.The space between the two eyes has opened, revealing the lotus of spiritual unfoldment and the rising sun of awareness. 兩隻眼睛中間的那個地方已經開了,顯示出一朵心靈展開的蓮花,以及帶有覺知的上升太陽。
3.Life is an unfoldment, not accretion. What comes to us in the world without is what we already possess in the world within. 生命,不是一個從無到有的過程,而是一個逐漸展開的過程。凡是在外在世界所獲得的東西,都是我們在內在世界已經擁有的東西。