





We also start afresh the journey of life 我們也重新開開始了人生的旅程;also 而且,也;也,同樣;高級產科生命支持;並且;you also 愛是美麗的,你也是;愛是美麗的,你也是。;ALSO STARRING 特別來賓;參加演出;特別來客;As also 同樣(也),照樣(又);還有;以及;


1.Althea, also known as morning glory, also known as Mugunghwa. Since ancient times, is well-known hedge plant, is also a common garden tree. Mugunghwa origin. 木槿花,亦稱喇叭花,又稱無窮花。自古即為著名的綠籬植物,也是常見的庭院樹。木槿花原產我國,印度、敘利亞、韓國、日本也有分佈。

2.Gollop cloud drive fog is also his unique skill. He also has to belong to own universe , also has character. It is aloof and refined , heroism multifariously! 騰雲駕霧也是他的絕技。他也有屬於自己的天地,也有個性。超然脫俗,豪氣萬千!

3.Also hopeful elder brother the elder sister has a look this to introduce oneself also has any to have to supplement also helps me to write adds Chinese translation! 還有希望哥哥姐姐看看這個自我介紹還有什麼要補充的也幫我寫上去加中文翻譯!

4.Azeroth diamond mining is also out, but also fuse silver, but may also occasionally pop out of the box opening 1

2. 艾澤拉斯鑽石同樣是採礦出,也是富瑟銀礦,不過,偶爾開箱子也可能蹦出來一兩個。

5.This product is easy to spread wipes , also coating even. It can form high gloss and strong lubricating higher hardness film and it also can bear the friction also the retention time is long. 本產品易於塗抹,且塗層均勻,拋光後具有光澤度好、滑潤性強及較高的膜硬度,耐磨擦且保留時間長。


Three. Besides Chinese, my mother tongue, I can also speak English and French. - 三種,除了我的母語中文外,我還會講英語和法語。

I have many hobbies. I like almost all kinds of sports and I also like classical music. - 我有很多愛好,喜歡各種運動,也喜歡古典音樂。

I like playing basket, and I also enjoy the team spirit of basketball. - 我喜歡籃球及籃球活動中的集體精神。

We're also very glad to have practical business dealings with you. - 我們也很高興能和貴公司建立實質性的業務聯繫。

No. Will you also initial this change on page 2, please? - 不,請你也在第二頁變更處簽姓名的一個字母好嗎?

Mainly for the sports meet and also for sightseeing, I think. - 主要是來參加運動會,我想也是為觀光而來。

I love mashed potatoes, and also boiled, baked, scalloped or fried. - 我很喜歡吃土豆泥,還有煮土豆、烤土豆和炸土豆我都喜歡。

He's a very famous person in Chinatown. He's also from your home city, Peking. - 他在唐人街大名鼎鼎,他也是從你的家鄉北京來的。

We will also need a letter of recommendation. - 我們還要求一封推薦函。

Because it's also known now as Youth Day. So you see- - 因為這個節日還被稱為是青年節,所以你明白了-

I also have a part-time job. - 我還有一個兼職工作。

And I'd also like to thank my math teacher - 我還要感謝我的數學老師

We also like to know - 我們還想知道,

I also applied to NYU. - 我還申請了紐約大學。

Yes, but I also want to apply to several other colleges. - 是的 ,但我還想申請幾所其他的大學。

I am also glad to be here. - 我很高興來這裡 。

I know. It will also affect you and your job, if we decide to go. - 我知道。假如我們決定去的話, 也會影響到你和你的工作。

I also have my daughter to consider. - 我還要考慮我女兒。

It's also my career as Max's mother. - 當Max的母親也是我的事業。

And you also need bodies to do repainting? - 你們也需要人手來重新粉刷嗎?

And we'll also need some ladders - 而且我們還需要一些梯子

And I also have a little surprise for you, Robbie. - 我也有一個小小的驚喜給你,Robbie。

A pentiunIII 500 can run at 8 times the speed of a DX4 100. But is also runs a lot hotter. - 奔騰III 500 的速度比DX4 100 要快8倍,但運行時散發的熱量要更大。

I would also like to learn more about the culture behind the language. - 我想學習和瞭解更多的關於語言之後文化的知識。

Nixon also used chopsticks at the welcoming banquet in his honor. - 尼克松在為其到來而舉辦的歡迎宴會上也使用了筷子。

It's the world's largest island, but it's also the world's smallest continent. - 它是世界上最大的島嶼,同時也是世界上最小的洲。

In face, Australia is the only country that is also a continent. - 事實上,澳大利亞是唯一作為洲的國家。

They also ask questions like Where do you come from? and Where do you live?. - 他們也會問「你從哪兒來?」,和「你住在哪兒?」這樣的問題。

It is also not polite to ask people questions about politics. - 另外,問一些關於政治和宗教的問題也是不禮貌的。

Not only did I forget my train ticket, but I also forgot my passport. - 我不僅忘了帶火車票,還忘了帶護照。

I also want to express my gratitude to all of my teachers over the years. - 另外,我還想感謝這個多年來所有教過我的老師。

There were times of disappointment, anger, and humiliation, and there were also times of joy. - 生活中有失望、生氣和屈辱的時候。

He is also very fond of playing tennis and manages to find time for a game twice a week. - 他非常喜歡打網球,每週總要抽時間打兩次。

Second, understanding other cultures is also important. - 其次,理解其他的文化也是重要的。

Not only did he make a promise, but he also kept it. - 他不僅許下諾言,而且遵守了。

I believe they also deserve this award. - 我認為他們也有資格獲得這一獎項。

And also hope you will be able to make unique contribution to the economy of both countries. - 同時期望你們為中美兩國經濟做出卓越的貢獻。

We also hope to expand our business with you. - 我們也希望與貴公司擴大貿易往來。

You have also made some readjustment in your import and export business, have you? - 你們的進出口貿易也有一些調整,對嗎?

Certainly. And we also have test results that we're sure you'd be interested to see. - 當然,同時我們也有測試結果,我們相信你們會有興趣看的。

We would also want you to cover insurance and the cost of transporting the goods to the port. - 我們也要貴方負責保險以及把貨物運到港口的費用。

We would also like to point out that we mainly settle our accounts on a documents-against-acceptance basis. - 我們還想指出我們主要以承兌交單方式結帳。

Modesty is not only and ornament, but also a guard to virtue. - 謙遜不僅可增添光彩也可以維護美德。

No answer is also answer. - 不回答也是一種回答。

Wahtever a man sow, that shall he also reap. - 種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆。

We should not only know the theory but also how to apply it to practice. - 我們不僅要知道理論,還要知道怎樣把理論應用於實踐。

They will also be building new roads and a special railway line. - 他們還將修築一些新的道路和一條鐵路專線。

He also said that he had found five empty whisky bottles which the ghost must have drunk the night before. - 他還說他發現了5只空的威士忌瓶子,肯定是鬼魂昨天晚上喝的。

They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. - 他們還十分肯定火災也不是由煙頭引起的。

Following in his father's footsteps many years later, Sir Malcolm's son, Donald, also set up a world record. - 很多年之後,馬爾科姆爵士的兒子唐納德踏著父親的足跡,也創造了一項世界紀錄。


Fluid qi also refers to edema - 水氣亦指水腫


n.水氣亦指水腫 - Fluid qi also refers to edema

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