Hitch hike 搭便車,搭順風車;half hitch and timber hitch 圓材結加半結;timber hitch and half hitch 拖材結;半扣結;price hike 提價;物價上漲;價格上漲;價格上揚;wage hike 工資的增加;工資增加;
1.Munter Hitch first, now the Munter Hitch can work as a belay device, so I keep my brake hand here, then can take this one off. 意大利半扣實際上是個保護器,我這樣我這制動端,然後把我身上的保護器解下來。
2.Lives of us, like a journey, it's a hike to hitch with numerous entraining and detraining; 人生一世,就好比是一次搭車旅行,要經歷無數次上車,下車;
3.DUV (Data Under Voice) is introduced. It permits signals to "hitch-hike" on existing microwave radio systems by using the lower end of the frequency band not normally used for voice. DUV(話下數據)推出,它允許信在現有的微波無線電系統中「搭便車」,使用微波頻帶中的低端部分,通常不用於話音傳輸。
4.DUV (Data Under Voice) is introduced. It permits signals to "hitch-hike" on existing microwave radio systems by using the lower end of the frequency band not normally used for voice. DUV(話下數據)推出,它允許信號在現有的微波無線電系統中「搭便車」,使用微波頻帶中的低端部分,通常不用於話音傳輸。
5."Yesterday he wanted to hitch-hike all the way. Now he wants to borrow my car. " "Oh, well, he's not the only quick-change artist in the family. " 「他昨天還一直想作徒步長途旅行,今天卻又想借我的小汽車。」「哦,他並不是他們家中惟一多變的人。」