





n. penitentiary ,playpenv. compose ,indite ,write


pen[pen]n. 鋼筆;作家;圍欄vt. 寫;關入欄中


PEN 接零;聚萘二甲酸乙二醇酯;聚萘二酸乙二醇酯;鋼筆;pen name 筆名;名詞;fountain pen 自來水筆;鋼筆;自來水筆圖片;F高級鋼筆;ballpoint pen 圓珠筆;原子筆;圓珠筆系列;走珠筆;PEN CONTAINER 牲畜集裝箱;動物集裝箱;運送牲畜集裝箱;筆筒;


1.The shepherd has penned the sheep in the five-acre field. 羊倌把羊圈在5英畝的地裡。

2.He have his pen mend yesterday. 他昨天把鋼筆拿去修理。

3.My pen and my pencil, please. 我的鋼筆戰我的鉛筆,請。


Whose pen is this? - 這是誰的筆?

The pen is the tougue of the mind. - 筆是心之舌。

This pen doesn't write well. - 這鋼筆不好寫。

The man said that the pen was worth $50, - 那人說那支筆值50英鎊,

a moment later, he ran after me and thrust the pen into my hands. - 一會兒,他突然從後追了上來,把筆塞到我手裡。

No matter how hard I tried, it was impossible to fill this beautiful pen with ink and to this day it has never written a single world! - 然而不管我如何擺弄,那枝漂亮的鋼筆就是吸不進墨水來。直到今天,那枝筆連一個字也沒寫過!

and whom I respect, confess at once that they have little idea where they are going when they first set pen to paper. - 和尊敬的作家,都立即承認在他們動筆時,不清楚要寫什麼,怎麼寫。

The ideal to be aimed at was to devise an instrument that could record with a pen on paper, - 當地震發生時,它能用筆在紙上記錄下

While I write my pen moves, but the paper keeps still. - 我寫字時,筆是移動的,紙是靜止的。

With practice, no doubt, I could in time learn to write by holding the pen still while the paper moved. - 毫無疑問,經過練習,我最終能夠學會筆不動而紙動來寫字。

Imagine a pen attached to the weight in such a way that its point rests upon a piece of paper on the floor. - 假定把一支筆拴在重物上,筆尖落在地板上的一張紙上,

In the midst of all this movement, the weight and the pen would be still. - 重物和筆都卻不運動。

But as the paper moved from side to side under the pen point, - 由於紙在筆尖下來回運動,

As long as all was still, the pen drew a straight line, - 只要一切都是靜止的,筆就會劃出一條直線;

the line that the pen was drawing wriggled from side to side. - 筆所畫出的線就會左右擺動。

Wei Hua's pen was broken, so she needed a new one. - 魏華的鋼筆壞了,所以她需要一支新筆。

On her way home she bought a new pen at a shop. - 回家路上,她在一家商店買了一支新鋼筆。

My pen dropped on the ground when I was walking in the park. - 當我在公園裡散步的時候,我的鋼筆掉到地上了。

Oh! Well, for that, you'd better find an English pen friend. - 哦!那你最好為此找一個英文的筆友。

Calare took the pen and added her signature, saying Good. That is all correct. - 好了。很正確。"


pen recorder - 筆式記錄器

pen recording polarograph - 筆錄式極譜儀

pen arm - 筆桿

recording pen lifter - 記錄筆升降器

allylmercaptomethyl penicillin; cer cillin; hydroxybenzylpenicillin; laevomycetin; pc; pen vee; penicillic acid; penicillinum - 青黴素


n.光筆 - light pen

n.水銀檢壓計描筆 - mercury manometer pen

n.記錄筆升降器 - recording pen lifter

n.外科標記筆 - surgical marking pen

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