a. hilarious ,rackety ,rip-roaring ,screaming
uproarious[ʌp'rɔ:riəs]adj. 騷動的;喧囂的
uproarious 騷動的;令人捧腹大笑的;騷嚷的;喧嘩的;boisterous uproarious 哄然;uproarious laughter 哄然大笑;嘩笑;clamorous furious loquacious turbulent uproarious 吵鬧的;blatant knockabout obstreperous riproaring uproarious 喧囂的;
1.just try to imagine, , , you stay with yourself in the desolate moon, , look at the 想像一下,,,,系荒涼噶月球,,,就自己一個人,,,,靜靜地看著喧嘩噶地球,,,,個種感覺。
2.On the stage of uproarious talks and revelry language in the edge of centuries, Fang Fang is well-known as one of the authors who possess the special language-expression way. 在世紀之交眾聲喧嘩、語言狂歡的舞台上,方方可以說是其中具有獨特的言說方式的一位作家。
3.Yes, the guy shot 41 shots which is, by most accounts an uproarious amount, but if the rest of the team is going to play as flat-footed and still as they were, someone has to step up. 是的,這傢伙下半場得到41分,而且大部分都是高難度入球。如果球隊的其他人也能穩定表現,我想一定有人會驚喜的手舞足蹈。