





both[bəuθ]adj. 兩個的;兩者的adv. 並;又;兩者皆pron. 雙方都;兩者都conj. 既…且…


Both 全部;二者;兩者;兩者都;Both respirator 博思人工呼吸器(木製人工呼吸器);釋義:博思人工呼吸器(木製人工呼吸器);Insert Both 插入行列;both length 兩個長邊;not both 不都;一面;


1.Both her veil and wreath are white. 她的面紗和花環都是白色的。

2.Not both Peter and John enjoy music. 並非彼得與約翰都喜歡音樂。

3.Both of the instruments are not precise. 這兩台儀器並不都是精密的。


I think I'm quite proficient in both written and spoken English. - 我認為我在英語讀寫方面相當熟練。

The arbitration decision shall be final and binding on both parties. - 仲裁裁決是最終的,對雙方均有約束。

Just got back. It's good to see you both again. - 剛剛回來。真幸運再次見到你們二位。

and I promised to have lunch with both of them today. - 我答應今天和他們共進午餐。

We have both been excited about seeing you - 我們兩個很高興見到

And when you both say, I do, - 當你們兩人都說 我願意 時,

I can see well both day and night. - 我白天晚上都能看得很清楚。

Nice talking to both of you. - 很高興與兩位交談。

I see you're both animal lovers. - 我看得出你們都是喜愛動物的人。

We were both on the tennis team. - 我們都是網球隊的隊員。

He and my Grandpa both went there. - 他和我爺爺都曾在那兒讀書。

They're both very good buys. - 這兩棟都是價格便宜的。

His experience will be valuable to both of us. - 他的經驗對你我都很有用。

I take care of both to the best of my ability. - 我盡我所能把兩方面都照顧好。

I did both with Richard and Susan, - 有Richard和Susan時我這樣做,

and I did both with Robbie. - 有Robbie時我也這樣做的。

And you can both benefit financially. - 你們倆都獲得金錢上的利益。

They're both students of the performing arts. - 他們兩個都是的搞表演藝術的學生。

She has both a good brain and beauty. - 她才貌雙全。

You can't have it both ways. - 你不能兼而有之。

Because such constructive employment practices will greatly promote a better understanding of both American and Chinese cultures. - 因為這個具有建設性的僱傭體系將會有力地推進對中美雙方文化的更好瞭解。

And also hope you will be able to make unique contribution to the economy of both countries. - 同時期望你們為中美兩國經濟做出卓越的貢獻。

Having this new branch means a great deal to the economy of both countries. - 這家分行的建立將對兩國的經濟交流起到很大的作用。

We are in the same boat, we both failed the exam. - 我們都一樣,考試都沒及格。

Yes,I have both your hat and your coat. - 不,你的帽子和大衣都在我這裡。

I'm sorry,but both of them are busy right now. - 很抱歉他們現在很忙。

Factories employ both male and female workers. - 工廠僱用男性和女性的工人。

That'll put us both in the picture. - 這樣雙方都能瞭解全面的情況。

We are sure both of us have a brighter future. - 我們相信雙方都有一個光明的前景。

Our guarantee covers maintenance for both parts and labor. - 我們的保證是包括更換零件和免費保養。

We don't have any different opinions about the contractual obligations of both parties. - 就合同雙方要承擔的義務方面,我們沒有什麼意見。

They've promised to keep both we quality and the quantity of the 300 bicycles in conformity with the contract stipulations. - 他們已承諾那300輛自行車的質量和數量一定與合同規定相吻合。

Generally speaking, a contract cannot be changed after it has been signed by both parties. - 一般來講,合同一經雙方簽訂就不得更改。

If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. - 問道於盲,無益於事。

It is good to have some friends both in heaven and hell. - 天堂上和地獄中都有幾個朋友,這乃是一件好事。

Take one's courage in both hands. - 勇往直前,敢作敢為。

The wolf and fox are both privateers. - 狐狸與狼,搶劫大王。

There is much to be said on both sides. - 公說公有理,婆說婆有理。

He grasped both my hands. - 他緊握住我的雙手。

He put them both into his mouth. - 他把這兩枚硬幣全都放進嘴裡。

We both tried to get the coins, but it was too late. - 我們倆都試圖把這兩枚硬幣拿出來,但太遲了。

Shortly afterwards, the police stopped the car and both men were arrested. - 沒過多久,警察就截住了那輛車,兩個小偷都被抓住了。

'Young man,' she answered, 'if you ate more and talked less, we would both enjoy our dinner! - 「年輕人,」她回答說,「如果你多吃點,少說點,我們兩個都會吃得好的!」

In the struggle, the strap broke and, with the bag in their possession, both men started running through the trees. - 在爭搶中,手提包的帶斷了,包落入這兩個人手裡,他們拔腿跑進了樹林。

I suddenly pressed the brake pedal and we were both thrown forward. - 我突然用力踩緊剎車踏板,結果我倆的身體都向前衝去。

Perhaps there is an element of truth in both these pictures, - 也許,這兩種都像都有可信之處。

it is both simple and elegant, fulfilling its designer's dream to create 'an enormous object drawn as faintly as possible'. - 但它的結構簡單,造型優美,實現了設計者企圖創造一個「盡量用細線條勾畫出一個龐然大物」的夢想。

A match was held at Stilton, where both men fought for an hour. - 於是兩人在斯蒂爾頓設下賽場,廝打了一個小時。

During the rush hour one evening two cars collided and both drivers began to argue. - 一天傍晚交通最擁擠時,一輛汽車撞上前面一輛汽車,兩個司機爭吵起來。

This time they fixed heavy metal clamps to both sides of the dish so that they could fasten the chains. - 這次,他們用沉重的金屬夾子把盤子夾住,以便往盤子上安裝鐵鏈。


turn both palms upward - 兩半手翻掌向上

n. dislocation between both plates - 兩板間變化

n. dislocation between both plates - 兩板間錯位

n. both rotating type friction welder - 二軸旋轉式摩擦焊接機

symdrone of both weifen and qiten; syndrome of both qi and wei systems; the simultaneous presence of wei and pi - 衛氣同病

sumdrome of both wei and ying systems; syndrome of both weifen and yingfen - 衛營同病

both sides cutting mitral commissurotomy knife - 雙側割口式二類瓣分離手術

n. simultaneous forming on both side - 雙側同時成形

grasping ones foot with both hnds - 雙手攀足勢

n. both rotating type friction welder - 雙旋式摩阻焊機

n. simultaneous forming on both side - 雙面瞬時成形

bimaxillary protrusion; protrusion of both jaws - 雙頜前突

fracture of both bones; frbb - 雙骨骨折

memstruation; sexual function of both sexes - 天癸

abscess on both sides of the prominentia larynges - 夾喉癰

weakness of both the heart and the spleen - 心脾兩虛

clear away the heat from both qi and yijn systems; clearing away the heat from both qi and ying - 氣營兩清

intense heat in both qi and ying systems - 氣營兩燔

deficiency of both qi and blood - 氣血兩虧

intense heat in both qi and blood systems - 氣血兩燔

deficiency of both qi and blood - 氣血兩虛

deficiency of both qi and yin; deficiency of both the vital energy and yin - 氣陰兩虛

deficiency of both qi and yin - 氣陰兩虛傷

deficiency of both the lung and the kidney - 肺腎兩虛

pulse being tense at both yin and yang loations; pulse being tense at both yin and yang locations - 脈陰陽俱緊

hypofunction of both the spleen and the lung; hypofunction og both spleen and the lung - 脾肺兩虛

insufficiency of both the spleen and the kidney - 脾腎陽虛

cold in both exterior and interior - 表裡俱寒

heat in both exterior and interior; the exterior and interior heat - 表裡俱熱

disease involving both exterior and interior - 表裡同病

Both the metal and the water are cold; and the kidney water; hypofunction and cold of both the lung - 金寒水冷

deficiency of both yin and yang; defiiency of both yin an yang - 陰陽兩虛

blockage of both yin-qi and yang-qi - 陰陽之氣壅遏


n.夾喉癰 - abscess on both sides of the prominentia larynges

n.陰陽之氣壅遏 - blockage of both yin-qi and yang-qi

n.氣營兩清 - clear away the heat from both qi and yijn systems

n.氣營兩清 - clearing away the heat from both qi and ying

n.表裡俱寒 - cold in both exterior and interior

n.氣血兩虧,氣血兩虛 - deficiency of both qi and blood

n.氣陰兩虛,氣陰兩虛傷 - deficiency of both qi and yin

n.肺腎兩虛 - deficiency of both the lung and the kidney

n.氣陰兩虛 - deficiency of both the vital energy and yin

n.陰陽兩虛 - deficiency of both yin and yang

n.陰陽兩虛 - defiiency of both yin an yang

n.表裡同病 - disease involving both exterior and interior

n.雙骨骨折 - fracture of both bones

n.雙手攀足勢 - grasping ones foot with both hnds

n.表裡俱熱 - heat in both exterior and interior

n.金寒水冷 - hypofunction and cold of both the lung

n.脾肺兩虛 - hypofunction of both the spleen and the lung

n.脾肺兩虛 - hypofunction og both spleen and the lung

n.脾腎陽虛 - insufficiency of both the spleen and the kidney

n.氣血兩燔 - intense heat in both qi and blood systems

n.氣營兩燔 - intense heat in both qi and ying systems

n.雙頜前突 - protrusion of both jaws

n.脈陰陽俱緊 - pulse being tense at both yin and yang loations

n.脈陰陽俱緊 - pulse being tense at both yin and yang locations

n.天癸 - sexual function of both sexes

同時支持爾性流血殼 - simultaneous symmetrical putamen bleeding of both sides

n.衛營同病 - sumdrome of both wei and ying systems

n.衛氣同病 - symdrone of both weifen and qiten

n.衛氣同病 - syndrome of both qi and wei systems

n.衛營同病 - syndrome of both weifen and yingfen

n.兩半手翻掌向上 - turn both palms upward

n.心脾兩虛 - weakness of both the heart and the spleen


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