n. damp ,moistness
dampnessn. 潮濕;濕氣
dampness 濕度;潮濕;濕氣;潮濕,濕氣;dampness type 潮濕類型;ore dampness 礦石濕度;air dampness 空氣濕度;dampness penetration 建築受潮;濕氣滲透;
1.The dampness in the basement damaged his books. 地下室的潮濕將他的書損壞了。
2.I guess dampness at sea may be the cause of rust. 我猜想海上潮濕可能是生銹的原因。
3.Melanie lay on the bed on a sheet dark with perspiration and splotched with dampness where Scarlett had spilled water. 媚蘭躺在床上,床單早已給汗漬弄髒,又因為思嘉有時濺上的水,斑斑點點地濕了。
removing dampness and promoting diuresis - 利水滲濕
removing dampness by diuresis - 利濕
dispelling dampness and promoting diuresis - 化濕利水
remove dampness and relax myospasm; removing dampness and relaxing myospasm - 化濕舒筋
dampness and heat in the lare intestine; large intestinal damp-heat - 大腸濕熱
removing dampness by water purgation - 水瀉去濕
eliminating dampness and heat - 清利濕熱
excessive dampness causing diarrhea - 濕勝則濡瀉
excessive dampness injuring yang-qi - 濕勝陽微
damp stagnancy; dampness stagnancy - 濕郁
retention of dampness in the middle-jiao - 濕阻中焦
retention of dampness in the qi system; wetness-evil stagnating at qi phase - 濕阻氣分
eliminating dampness and eliminating phlegm; removing dampness to reduce phlegm - 燥濕化痰
removing dampness and destrovying parasites; removing dampness and destroying parasites - 燥濕殺蟲
dampness and heat of the liver channel - 肝經濕熱
removing dampness to relieve pain - 勝濕止痛
eliminate wetness evil with fragrant durgs; eliminating dampness with aromatics; removing dampness by means of aromatics - 芳香化濁
removing dampness by means of aromatics - 芳香化濕
remozing dampness to relieve itching - 除濕止癢
n.傷濕 - affection by dampness
n.濕痺 - arthralgia due to dampness
n.收濕 - astringing dampness
n.清熱化濕 - clearing away heat and eliminating dampness
n.寒濕 - cold dampness
n.散寒除濕 - dispelling cold and removing dampness
n.化濕利水 - dispelling dampness and promoting diuresis
n.滲濕於熱下 - dispelling heat by excreting dampness
n.濕困脾陽 - disturbance of the spleen-yang due to dampness
n.濕困脾陽 - disturbance of the spleenyang due to dampness
n.滲濕利尿藥 - diuretics with the action of eliminating dampness
n.化濕,去濕 - eliminating dampness
n.燥濕化痰 - eliminating dampness and eliminating phlegm
n.清利濕熱 - eliminating dampness and heat
n.芳香化濁 - eliminating dampness with aromatics
n.內濕 - endogenous dampness
n.濕勝則濡瀉 - excessive dampness causing diarrhea
n.濕勝陽微 - excessive dampness injuring yang-qi
n.散寒祛濕 - expelling cold and dampness
n.溫寒化濕 - expelling pathogenic cold and dampness
n.外濕 - exopathic dampness
n.外濕 - external dampness
n.痰濕頭痛 - headache due to phlegm dampness
n.濕毒下血 - hematochezia due to noxious dampness
n.濕瘧 - intermittent fever due to dampness
n.健脾化濕 - invigorating the spleen for eliminating dampness
n.傷濕腰痛 - lumbago due to dampness
n.寒濕凝滯痛經 - menorrhalgia due to cold and dampness
n.寒濕凝滯經團,寒濕凝滯經閉 - menoschesis due to cold and dampness
n.利尿化濕 - nducing diuresis to eliminate dampness
n.濕毒 - noxious dampness
n.濕邪 - pathogenic dampness
n.痰濕 - phlegm dampness
n.行氣燥濕 - promote the circulation of qi to remove dampness
n.利尿除濕 - promoting urination and emoving dampness
n.行氣燥濕 - puomoting circulation of qi to remove dampness
n.化濕舒筋 - remove dampness and relax myospasm
n.除濕 - removing dampness
n.燥濕殺蟲 - removing dampness and destrovying parasites
n.燥濕殺蟲 - removing dampness and destroying parasites
n.利水滲濕 - removing dampness and promoting diuresis
n.化濕舒筋 - removing dampness and relaxing myospasm
n.利濕 - removing dampness by diuresis
n.芳香化濕,芳香化濁 - removing dampness by means of aromatics
n.水瀉去濕 - removing dampness by water purgation
n.燥濕化痰 - removing dampness to reduce phlegm
n.勝濕止痛 - removing dampness to relieve pain
n.除濕止癢 - remozing dampness to relieve itching
n.化濕 - resolving dampness
n.濕遏熱伏 - retained heat due to blockage of dampness