





n. crusade ,driveway ,driving ,driving forcev. force ,force back ,labor ,motor


v. attract ,draw ,draw in ,pull


drive[draiv]vi. 開車;猛擊;飛跑vt. 推動,發動(機器等);駕駛(馬車,汽車等);驅趕n. 驅動器;駕車;內驅力,推進力;快車道


drive 車庫通向馬路的空地;驅動器;平抽;平抽球,快平球;Virtual Drive 虛擬光驅;虛擬光碟;虛擬驅動器;或虛擬磁盤;Drive Configuration 驅動器設置;磁盤組態;磁碟組態;驅動器配置;Chain drive 鏈傳動;Charge drive 存儲;交換;共享;轉移;


1.We drove back the attacking enemy. 我們迫使進攻的敵人後退了。

2.Do not know why so early to drive? 不知道為什麼這麼早就開車去了?

3.People think you lack drive and ambition. 人們認為你缺乏幹勁和雄心。


You drive a hard bargain. - 你真會講價。

Thank you so much for coming. Have a safe drive home. - 謝謝你的光臨。小心駕車回家。

Please drive carefully. - 請小心開車。

I'm not tipping you, you drive like a maniac. - 我不打算給你小費, 你開車像個瘋子。

Can I drive you home? - 我開車送你回去好嗎?

and it's only about an hour's drive from here. - 而且從此地到那裡只有大約一小時的車程。

I'll drive you to the station, dear. - 我開車送你到車站去。

I'll drive Susan, dear. - 我送Susan ,親愛的。

Why don't we get in the car and drive home? - 我們何不開車回家?

so you can drive her home after the party. - 在派對結束後送她回家。

If you drive carefully. - 只要你小心駕駛。

We've got a forty-minute drive into the city. - 我們還要開四十分鐘的車到城裡去。

Say hi to your dad for me, and drive safely. - 路上小心開車,並請向代我向令尊問好。

I don't know how to drive I'm afraid. - 恐怕我不懂得怎樣開車。

Young motorists all drive too fast. - 年輕人的車都開得飛快。

He has to drive for twenty minutes to get from his house to his office. - 從他的家到他的辦公室有20分鐘的車程。

I can't drive a car, but I have a motorbike license. - 我不會開汽車,但我有摩托車的駕駛執照。

While my car is in the shop, they have given me a courtesy car to drive around. - 我的車還在修理店時,他們給我一輛替代車用。

I tend to drive myself too hard. - 我有時會對自己要求過於嚴格。

I've brought my car, so I can drive you to your hotel. - 我開車來的,所以我開車送你到旅館。

To drive a delivery car - 駕駛送貨車

To teach how to drive a car - 教人駕駛汽車

Will you be able to drive me to the airport? - 請問,你能送我到機場嗎?

I'm going to show him how to drive a car. - 我正要指點他如何開車。

Is it long drive from here to the dapartment store? - 從這裡到百貨公司開車也要走很多時間。

My brother wants to learn how to drive a car. - 我的兄弟要去學駕駛。

Drive your business, do not let it drive you. - 要推動事業,不要讓事業來推動你。

On the way home, my wife said to me, 'Don't drive so quickly! You're not Billy Stewart!' - 「別開得這樣快!你可不是比利。斯圖爾特!」

He wasn't dreaming, officer.I was telling him to drive slowly. - 警官,他思想沒有開小差。我剛才正告訴他開慢點。

I told you to drive slowly, Gary. - 加裡,我剛才叫你開慢點吧。

You always tell me to drive slowly, darling. - 你總是叫我開慢點,親愛的。

Roy Trenton used to drive a taxi. - 羅伊。特雷頓原是開出租汽車的,

I had been asked to drive in heavy traffic and had done so successfully. - 按照要求在車輛擁擠的路上駕駛,我圓滿地完成了。

After having been instructed to drive out of town, I began to acquire confidence. - 在接到把車開出城的指令後,我開始有了信心。

The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour. - 傑出的賽車選手馬爾科姆。坎貝爾爵士是第一個以每小時超過300英里的速度駕車的人。

Meanwhile, a number of university students have volunteered to drive buses while the strike lasts. - 與此同時,有一部分大學生自願在罷工期間駕駛公共汽車。

All the students are expert drivers, but before they drive any of the buses, they will have to pass a special test. - 所有的學生都是開車的能手,但在駕駛公共汽車之前,他們必須通過一項專門測驗。

Only one or two people have objected that the students will drive too fast! - 只有一兩個人提出反對意見,說學生們會把車開得太快!

The rough across the plain soon became so bad that we tried to get Bruce to drive back to the village we had come from. - 穿越平原的道路高低不平,開車走了不遠,路面愈加崎嶇。我們想勸說布魯斯把車開回我們出發的那個村莊去。

Even men who can hardly drive a nail in straight are supposed to be born electricians, carpenters, plumbers and mechanics. - 甚至那些連一枚釘子都釘不直的男人都被認為是天生的電工、木匠、水管工和機械師。

be nice to people we don't' like, drive carefully, and take the dog for a walk every day. - 對不喜歡的人友善一些;小心駕車;每天都要帶著狗散步;等等。

and therefore would not drive the child into opposition by resenting and resisting it. - 也就不會由於怨恨和牴觸這種反應,而把孩子推到自己的對立面去。

I learnt to drive in four weeks。 - 我四個星期就學會了開車。

I say, let's go out for a drive next Sunday. - 我說,咱們下星期天開車出去兜兜風吧。

Why don't you hire a car and drive around for a couple of weeks? - 你為什麼不租部車四處轉上一兩個星期呢?


n. overhead drive press - 上置驅動壓力機

n. bottom drive press - 下部驅動壓機

n. drive roll - 主動輥

n. twin drive press - 雙電機驅動壓機

n. drive roll - 後混筒

n. bottom drive press - 底部驅動壓床

n. miscible drive method - 混合驅動法

n. roll drive friction screw press - 滾筒驅動螺旋式磨擦壓力機

n. roll drive friction screw press - 滾輪驅動摩擦螺旋壓力機

n. arc drive characteristic - 電弧推動特性

n. arc drive characteristic - 電弧驅動特性

foot engine; tread drive dental engine - 腳踏牙鑽車

n. steam drive project - 蒸汽驅動工程

n. top drive drilling - 頂部驅動鑽

n. drive pipe shoe - 驅動頭

n. drive pipe - 驅動管

n. drive pipe head - 驅動管頭

n. drive pipe clamp - 驅動管夾

n. drive roll - 驅動輥


飢餓衝動 - hunger drive

運動慾望 - kinetic drive

母性衝動,母性本能 - maternal drive

n.不規則減數分裂 - meiotic drive

n.刺激內驅力 - stimulus drive

n.腳踏牙鑽車 - tread drive dental engine

通氣驅動 - ventilatory drive

螺旋槳驅動,水傳動 - water drive


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