lipoatrophyn. 脂肪萎縮
lipoatrophy 脂肪萎縮;皮下脂肪萎縮;脂萎縮;樹脂貼面價格萎縮;insulin lipoatrophy 釋義:胰島素性脂肪萎縮;localized lipoatrophy 局限性脂肪萎縮;lipodystrophic diabetes with partial lipoatrophy 釋義:脂質營養不良性糖尿病伴部分性脂肪萎縮;
1."Longer follow-up of this population is needed to determine if lipoatrophy can improve clinically or even resolve, " the authors write. 作者寫道:「有必要對這些人口進行更長時間的追蹤,以判斷脂肪增多是否能得到臨床改善甚至於溶解。
2.This product is approved for the treatment of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds and the treatment of facial lipoatrophy associated with HIV infection. 這個產品被核准用於治療中重度臉部皺紋,以及與HIV感染有關的臉部脂肪萎縮。
3.Common somatropin-related adverse reactions include injection site reactions/rashes, lipoatrophy and headaches, glucose intolerance, fluid retention and unmasking of latent central hypothyroidism. 常見的與生長激素相關的不良反應包括注射部位反應/疹,皮下脂肪萎縮和頭痛,葡萄糖耐受不良,液體瀦留,潛在的中樞性甲狀腺功能減退症的暴露。