





n. active agent ,active voicea. alive ,combat-ready ,dynamic ,participating


n. contemplative ,passive ,passive voicea. inactive ,passive ,quiet ,stative


Active['æktiv]adj. 積極的;活躍的;主動的;有效的;現役的n. 主動語態;積極分子


active 主動的,活躍的;賦活用;活用;主動的,有源的,有效的,運行的;active market 買賣活躍的市場;交投暢旺的市場;旺市;交投活躍;active carbon 活性炭;活性碳;放射性碳;活性炭〔脫色劑;active partner 積極參與的合夥人;活躍合夥人;參與管理合夥人;執行業務的合夥人;active fault 活斷層;活動斷裂;活性斷層 活斷層;活動斷層;


1.He is active; you are passive. 他是積極的,您是消極的。

2.Love is the active concern for the life and the growth of that which we love. 愛是種對那些為我們所愛的人或物的生活。成長積極主動的關心。

3.From Microelectronics to "Active Silicon" ——Future Potentials of System Integration. 從微電子到「活動的硅」——系統集成的未來潛力。


I'm quite active and energetic. - 我積極而充滿活力。

has spent his lifetime studying active volcanoes and deep caves in all parts of the world. - 花了畢生的精力來研究世界各地的活火山和探洞。

He has been able to tell us more about active volcanoes than any man alive. - 他能告訴我們的有關活火山的情況比任何在世的人都要多。

Another good reason for taking a part-time job is that employers usually prefer to hire someone who has already had some work experience. They value someone who leads an active life and is anxious to learn. For example, a newspaper might employ you if you - 干兼職工作的另一條充分的理由就是,僱主們通常願意錄用已有一些工作經驗的人。他們很看重生活積極、渴望學習的人。例如,如果你在大學或中學就讀時曾為某學生雜誌工作過,那麼報社就可能錄用你。一般來說,如果你已幹過一些兼職工作,找到適合工作的機會就會大些。


non-suppressible insulin-like active peptide - 不被抑制胰島素樣活性多肽

amphoteric surface active agent - 兩性表面活性劑

active transfer; avtive transfer; avtivetransfer - 主動傳遞

active immunity; activeimmunity - 主動免疫性

active immunotherapy - 主動免疫療法

active secretion - 主動分泌

active reabsorption; active resorption - 主動回吸收

active carrier; activecarrier - 主動帶菌者

active method - 主動法

active attention - 主動注意

active movement - 主動活動

active transport - 主動輸送

active movement; active tivism - 主動運動

active transport - 主動運輸

active negativism - 主動違拗

active reabsorption; avtive reabsorption - 主動重吸收

artificial active immunity - 人工自動免疫

cold area; low active area - 低活性區

active substance in the body - 內丹

n. one active gage method - 單一活動電阻應變儀法

n. one active gage method - 單動規法

n. two active gages method - 雙動作部分的電阻應變儀法

n. opposite two active gage method - 雙向電阻應變儀方法

n. two active gages method - 雙向電阻應變儀法

n. opposite two active gage method - 反向雙活動電阻應變儀法

flexible active site - 可塑活性部位

n. four active gages method - 四動作電阻應變儀法

n. four active gages method - 四動規法

active proliferation - 增生活躍

natural active immunity - 天然自動免疫

cah; chronic active hepatitis - 慢性活動型肝炎

chronic active lupoid hepatitis - 慢性活動性類狼瘡肝炎

chronic active hepatitis - 慢性活動性肝炎

chronic active liver disease - 慢性活性肝病

antibody active site - 抗體活性簇

modified active solid - 改性活性固體

cloolidal radio active gold; radioactive colloidel gold - 放射性膠體金

optically active stationary phase - 旋光固定相

active center; activecenter; avtive center; avtivecenter - 有效中心

active valence; pressure - 有效化合價

active strength - 有效強度

active principle; available composition; avtive constituent; effective element - 有效成分

active treatment - 有效治療

active electrode - 有效電極

active surface; effective surface - 有效表面

active mass; effective mass - 有效質量

active activation analysis - 有源活化分析

residual active spermatczoa - 殘留活動精子

active type - 活動型

active rest - 活動性休息


n.兩性表面活性劑 - amphoteric surface active agent

n.陰離子表面活化劑 - anionic surface active agent

n.抗體活性簇 - antibody active site

n.人工自動免疫 - artificial active immunity

輔助主動運動 - assistive active exercise

n.太積極,亢進 - be over active

n.生物活性肽 - biological active peptide

n.生物活性物質 - biological active substance

n.生物活性中心 - biologically active center

n.生物活性藥物 - biologically active drugs

生物活性肽,生理活性多肽 - biologically active peptide

n.慢性活動型肝炎,慢性活動性肝炎 - chronic active hepatitis

B型慢性活動性肝炎 - chronic active hepatitis type B

n.慢性活性肝病 - chronic active liver disease

n.慢性活動性類狼瘡肝炎 - chronic active lupoid hepatitis

n.放射性膠體金 - cloolidal radio active gold

n.可塑活性部位 - flexible active site

n.溶血活性蛋白質 - hemolytic active protein

n.低活性區 - low active area

n.改性活性固體 - modified active solid

n.天然自動免疫,自然自動免疫 - natural active immunity

n.不被抑制胰島素樣活性多肽 - non-suppressible insulin-like active peptide

n.光學活性的,旋光的 - optically active

n.旋光固定相 - optically active stationary phase

光活性物質 - optically active substance

胰活化劑 - pancreatic active agent

原發性主動轉運,一次性主動轉運 - primary active transport

n.殘留活動精子 - residual active spermatczoa

呼吸活動因子 - respiratory active agent

繼發性主動轉運,繼發主動轉運 - secondary active transport

感官活性劑 - sense organ active agent

骨肌活劑 - skeletal muscle active agent

n.輕變活動的 - slightly active

光滑肌體活劑 - smooth muscle active agent

n.特異性自動免疫 - specific active immunity

n.表面活性的 - surface active

n.表面活性劑 - surface active agent

n.表面活性劑污染 - surface active agent pollution

表面活性物質 - surface active material

n.表面活性物質,表面活質 - surface active substance

泌尿活性劑 - urologic active agent

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