Clapp circuit 振蕩回路, 不用晶體的穩頻振蕩器;克拉普[振蕩]電路;Philip Clapp 克萊普;克拉普;Phil Clapp 克萊普;clapp oscillator 克拉普振蕩器;Clapp振蕩器;Nicholas Clapp 克萊普;
1.A burst of hand - clapp follow the ending of the song. 歌聲結束之後響起了一陣掌聲。
2.But, that is the policy the Republicans pursued, said Clapp, who points out that to date Congress has held over 200 fact-finding hearings on global warming. 克萊普認為這仍是共和黨所奉行的政策,他指出,國會至今已經舉辦了超過200場關於全球暖化的聽證會。
3.This paper introduces the designing considerations and the experimental results of electronic tuning wide-band oscillator which extends from the Clapp circuit. 本文介紹了利用克拉撥電路擴展為寬帶電調振蕩器的設計考慮與實驗結果。