





n. emberv. char


coal[kəul]vi. 上煤;加煤vt. 給…加煤;把…燒成炭n. 煤;煤塊;木炭


coal 煤,石炭;煤;煤炭;催化氧化酸浸;white coal (作動力來源用的)水;作動力來源用的)水(不是「白煤」;白炭;白煤;Coal Shop 煤店;煤店 ...;coking coal 煉焦煤;焦煤;煉焦用煤;焦結煤;bituminous coal 煙煤;瀝青煤;生煤;煙煤,褐煤;


1.Coaling a ship is a dirty job. 給輪船裝煤是很髒的活。

2.The coal miners struck. 煤礦工人罷工了。

3.Coal seams intermixed with iron ore . 煤層和鐵礦混雜在一起。


We know that you are leading exporters of coal and you can provide the quantity we need. - 我們知道貴方是主要煤炭出口商,能滿足我們的需求量。

The man mines coal where day seems like night. - 這個人在即便是白天也猶如晚上的地方開採煤炭。


n. coal producer - 產煤

n. coal supply contract - 供煤合同

n. steeply inclined coal seam - 傾斜煤熔劑

n. internal coal province - 內部煤區

n. chemical coal cleaning process - 化學炭清洗法

n. coal unloader - 卸煤

n. thick coal seam - 厚煤熔劑

n. coal hoist - 吊煤場

n. coal ratio - 含煤比

n. spouted-bed coal gasification equipment - 噴射床氣化裝置

n. in underground coal mine - 在地下煤礦

n. underground coal mining - 地下煤開礦

n. underground coal system - 地下煤系統

n. underground coal conversion - 地下煤轉化

n. coal mining complex - 複雜采煤

n. coal measures - 夾有煤層的沉積岩石

n. coal trimmer - 平艙工人

n. coal trimmer - 平艙機

n. abandoned coal mine - 廢棄煤礦

n. coal cutting - 截煤

n. coal cutting force - 截煤力

n. coal hoist - 揚煤機

n. open-pit coal mine - 敞口煤礦

n. opencast coal mining - 敞開鑄煤開採

n. European Coal and Steel Community - 歐州碳鋼

n. coal washery waste - 洗煤廠浪費

n. under sea coal field - 海底煤場

n. coal mining at depth - 深處采煤

n. deep coal mine - 深碳礦

n. hydraulic coal mine - 液壓煤礦

n. mixed grain coal selection - 混合紋理煤的選擇

n. coal for carbonization - 焦化煤

n. coal for coke making - 焦碳煤

n. coal buyer - 煤買主

n. coal price - 煤價

n. coal output - 煤出口

n. coal exporting facility - 煤出口設備

n. working thickness of coal seam - 煤劑中工作厚度

n. coal handling - 煤加工

n. coal handing facility - 煤加工設備

n. coal reserves calculation - 煤區估算

n. coal reserves calculation map - 煤區估算圖

n. coal type - 煤型

n. coal pile runoff - 煤堆流失

n. coal exploration - 煤堪探

n. quarterly coal report - 煤季度報告

coal dust; n. coal dust - 煤塵

n. coal measures - 煤層

n. coal seam valuation - 煤層估價

n. thickness of coal seam - 煤層厚度


n.活性炭 - avtive coal

n.煤法肺,煤式塵肺 - pneumoconiosis of coal workers


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