Cowichan Bay 科威恰灣;科威恰灣(加拿大);Cowichan Valley 考伊琴山谷;考伊琴谷地;科威治谷;Cowichan Valley School District 哥維根谷教育局;Cowichan District Hospital 地區醫院;高域鎮地區醫院;
1.Well, our number one seller is the cowichan sweater. 呣,我們賣的最好的是印第安人厚毛衣。
2.The cowichan has become an international fashion symbol that makes people everywhere think of Canada. 這種毛衣已經成為讓人想起加拿大的一種國際時尚標誌了。
3.Cowichan Band elder Albie Charlie blesses the Olympic Torch held by fellow band member Amber Tommy during a stop in Duncan, British Columbia October 31, 200
9. 科維昌帶老Albie查理祝福奧運火炬由樂隊成員同胞期間舉行琥珀張宇在鄧肯站,不列顛哥倫比亞省2009年10月31日。