enidn. 伊妮德(女子名);伊尼德(美國一城市)
Enid 伊妮德 塞爾特人 純潔得毫無瑕庛;伊妮德;塞爾特人 純潔得毫無瑕庛;恬靜的;Enid Tsui 徐曉瑜;Enid Blyton 伊妮·布來敦;最喜歡的作家;最喜愛的閱讀:;Enid Hoessinger 荷辛格;Enid Bisset 愛妮·比塞特;
1.Enid is a crepe hanger. She never expects herself to win a prize in the lottery. 伊妮德是個悲觀的人,她從不指望自己會中彩。
2.Enid had never married, but had seemed content to live with her mother, and teach in a primary school round the corner. 伊妮德始終沒結婚,但她似乎以跟老母同住,並任教於附近的一所小學而心滿意足。
3.Children who read The Lord Of The Rings are most likely to become company directors, while fans of Enid Blyton's Famous Five are now often bosses. 愛讀《魔戒》的孩子們長大後很有可能成企業領導者,當年為俄妮·卜萊登故事中知名五人幫而癡迷的孩子們現在則大都當上了老闆。