aut-[ɔ:t]comb.form[用於元音字母前] = auto-1
aut- 自己,自動,自發;自身、同;pump aut Lo -change over device 泵自動切換設施;aut- auto- 自己,自動,自發;Aut-Z 具有主機遙控和裝置集中控制的有人機艙符號德意志聯邦勞埃德船級社具有主機遙控和裝置集中控制有人機艙代號;aut-exhaust 釋義:汽車排氣;
1.New design: With sealed oil-bath gear box, steel bevel gears, good lubrication condition, Aut-dripping lubricated system. 全新設計:車頭封閉式游浴傳動箱,斜齒鋼齒輪,油泵循環潤滑,自動滴油系統。
2.The aut-hors suggest that since both China and India are developing countries, India's experiences are more suitable for us to use. 作者認為,中印同屬發展中國家,它們的經驗對我們更有直接的借鑒意義。
3.Note: the parameters of model JYWQ aut-stirring submersible sewage pump are identical to those of model WQ submersible sewage pump (see the table above), see the next page for the out-form dimensions. 說明:JYWQ型自動攪勻潛水排污泵性能參數等同WQ型潛水式排污泵(見上表)。外形尺寸見下頁。