





noise pollution sound pollution 噪音污染;noise pollution sound pollution 噪音污染;Article 10 The Executive Yuan may establish a major marine pollution incident handling task force in order to handle major marine pollution incidents 第10條 為處理重大海洋污染事件,行政院得設重大海洋污染事件處理專案小組;Article 10 The Executive Yuan may establish a major marine pollution incident handling task force in order to handle major marine pollution incidents 第10條 為處理重大海洋污染事件,行政院得設重大海洋污染事件處理專案小組;Pollution abatement 污染治理;減輕污染;沾污減少;污染抑制;


1.We suffer from various kinds of pollution: air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, light pollution, and the like. 我們所遭受的空氣污染是各種各樣的:空氣污染、水污染、土地污染、噪音污染、光污染,諸如此類。

2.We suffer from various kinds of pollution: air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, light pollution, and the like. 我們所遭受的空氣污染是各種各樣的:空氣污染、水污染、土地污染、噪音污染、光污染,諸如此類。

3.Electromagnetic radiation on the heels of radioactive pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, the fourth largest after the pollution. 電磁輻射,是繼放射性污染,空氣污染,噪音污染後的第四大污染。

4.Conclusion Animalcule pollution is the key problem. It is a new task to prevent pollution in the lake, and to manage water pollution. 結論微生物污染是存在的主要衛生問題,防止湖區污染,加強水污染治理是今後工作中的新課題。

5.Through accomplishment of the researches, new growing points would be formed and developed for such new branches of pollution ecology as pollution eco-chemistry, pollution eeo toxicology, etc. 通過研究,將會推動污染生態化學和污染生態毒理學等學科新的生長點和新的分支學科的形成和發展。


The smog in L.A. is caused by air pollution and water vapor. - 洛杉磯的煙霧是由空氣污染和水蒸氣造成的。

The pollution in Beijing is alarming. - 北京的污染給人們敲起了警鐘。

I'm afraid the pollution will kill us all. - 公害可能把我們都逼死。

However, there is an even more insidious kind of pollution that particularly affects urban areas and invades our daily lives, and that is noise. - 但是,還有一種更加隱蔽有害的污染,它專門影響城鎮地區,侵襲我們的日常生活,那就是噪音。

A recent survey of the effects of noise revealed (surprisingly?) that dogs barking incessantly in the night rated the highest form of noise pollution on a scale ranging from 1 to 7. - 最近一個有關噪音的作用的調查(令人吃驚地)指出,夜間連續不斷的狗叫聲,在一個從1級至7級刻度表上應列為最嚴重的噪間污染。

The noise pollution survey revealed a rather spurring and possibly amusing old fashioned source of noise. - 這個有關噪音的污染調查還揭示了一種出人意外而同時可能會引人意外而同時可能會引人發笑的老式噪音源。


pollution of synthetic detergent - 合成洗滌劑污染

stationary pollution source - 固定污染源

air pollution episode - 大氣污染事件

air pollution index - 大氣污染指數

air pollution source; atmospheric pollution source - 大氣污染源

air pollution monitor - 大氣污染監察器

water pollution control act - 水污染控制條例

water pollution control federation - 水污染控制聯合會

water pollution index - 水體污染指數

microbial pollution of water; microorganism contamination of water - 水微生物污染

fecal pollution of water - 水糞便污染

water pollution index - 水質污染指數

water pollution indicator - 水質污染指示劑

n. water pollution control act - 水質污染控制法

water pollution monitor - 水質污染監測儀器

pollution warning system - 污染報警系統

contamination control; pollution control - 污染控制

pollution control index - 污染控制指數

pollution of oil ship - 油船污染

mobile pollution source - 流動污染源

marine pollution prevention law - 海洋污染防止法規

point pollution source - 點污染源

n. air pollution by smoke - 煙氣污染

environmental pollution control - 環境污染控制

pollution of hydrogen sulide - 硫化氫污染

air pollution measurement - 空氣污染測定

pollution of phenols - 酚類化合物污染

pollution of vanadium - 釩污染

pollution of chromium - 鉻污染

pollution of herbicide - 除草劑污染


n.農業污染 - agricultural pollution

n.空傳污染 - air-borne pollution

n.空氣污染 - air pollution

大氣污染控制,空氣污染防治 - air pollution control

n.大氣污染事件 - air pollution episode

n.大氣污染指數 - air pollution index

n.空氣污染測定 - air pollution measurement

n.大氣污染監察器 - air pollution monitor

n.大氣污染源 - air pollution source

n.水污染 - aquatic pollution

砷污染 - arsenic pollution

n.石棉污染 - asbestos pollution

n.大氣污染 - atmospheric pollution

n.大氣污染源 - atmospheric pollution source

n.汽車廢氣污染 - automobile exhaust pollution

n.細菌污染 - bacterial pollution

n.苯芘污染 - benzopyrene pollution

生物學污 - biological index of pollution

n.污染生物指數 - biotic index of pollution

n.二氧化碳污染 - carbon dioxide pollution

n.一氧化碳污染 - carbon monoxide pollution

n.氯污染 - chlorine pollution

n.氰化物污染 - cyanide pollution

公害病 - disease caused by pollution

覺醒時遺精,晝遺 - diurnal pollution

n.環境污染 - environmental pollution

n.環境污染控制 - environmental pollution control

n.土壤污染檢驗 - examination of soil pollution

n.水糞便污染 - fecal pollution of water

n.飄塵污染 - floating dust pollution

n.氟化物染 - fluoride pollution

n.惡臭污染 - foul pollution

n.重金屬污染 - heavy metal pollution

n.碳氫化合物污染 - hydrocarbon pollution

n.水污染指示生物 - indicator organism of water pollution

n.工業污染 - industrial pollution

n.工業廢渣污染 - industrial residue pollution

n.體內污染 - internal pollution

土地污染 - land pollution

n.鉛污染 - lead pollution

局部污染,區域性污染 - local pollution

n.海洋污染 - marine pollution

n.海洋污染防止法規 - marine pollution prevention law

n.汞污染 - mercury pollution

n.水微生物污染 - microbial pollution of water

n.礦山污染 - mine pollution

n.流動污染源 - mobile pollution source

遺精,夜間遺精 - night pollution

n.氮氧化物污染 - nitrogen oxide pollution

遺精,夜間遺精 - nocturnal pollution

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