rubbingsn. 拓片(rubbing的複數);摩擦
rubbings 拓片;拓印;摩擦;making rubbings from stone inscriptions 拓碑;a book of rubbings rubbing from stone 拓本;
1." There are also other characteristics of a stone "by King Kong" Rubbings, He "by Kegon" and "Lotus Sutra" and barbed blood "by Kegon. 此外還有另具特色的石刻《金剛經》拓本、金字《華嚴經》、《法華經》及刺血《華嚴經》等。
2.Rubbings can be seen as a platform that encourages design experiments rooted in the Chinese cultural heritage for the local-global markets. 拓片)是鼓勵實驗性可持續創新設計的交流平台,它植根於中國文化遺產,關照現實生活,面向本土和全球市場。
3.Inspired by the texture and nature of existences in our surroundings, he created landscape paintings with an innovative way using the method of ink and color rubbings. 一次偶然,他發現了自然界的抽像肌理,啟迪他獨闢蹊徑,促使他創造了嶄新的彩拓畫技法,創作出一系列如夢如幻的山水畫。