sign-off['sainɔf, -ɔ:f]n. 廣播完畢
Sign-Off 簽核;廣播完畢;簽署同意;簽證;Release sign-off 發佈完畢簽收;Sign-off bid 示弱止叫;Date of Sign-off 下船日;LS Launch Sign-Off 投產驗收;
1.Now let me tell you one last thing before I sign-off with you and take my lovely wife out for breakfast. 在結束我們的談話前,我再告訴你最後一件事,然後帶著我可愛的妻子去吃早餐。
2.Now let mw tell you one last thing before I sign-off with you and take mw lovely wife out for breakfast. 現在讓我在停止廣播陪我可愛的妻子去共進早餐之前告訴你最後一件事情吧。
3.NPI Project Leader will work on the Project ROI of NPT for Management justification and sign-off when needed. 如果需要,新產品導入項目領導人將為新產品轉移進行投資回報分析報告,供管理層決策並簽署。