Tripoli 的黎波里;風化硅石;波裡;硅土;Tripoli GP 黎波裡大獎賽;Tripoli Airport 黎波裡機場;TRIPOLI DZ 的黎波里;Tripoli Region 的黎波里地區;
1.The United States ordered airs strikes on Tripoli and Benghazi after an attack on a disco in Germany killed three people, including two U. S. servicemen. 在德國發生襲擊迪斯科舞廳事件之後,美國下令對的黎波里和班加西進行空襲。襲擊造成三個人死亡,其中包括兩名美國軍人。
2.While condemning al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden, he implied there was little difference between bin Laden's terror attacks and the U. S. strike on Tripoli and Benghazi in 198
6. 他在譴責基地組織和本。拉登的同時,還暗示本。拉登的恐怖襲擊和美國1986年對的黎波里和班加西的打擊行動沒多少區別。
3.A passenger plane has crashed in Libya, killing more than 100 people on board, officials in the capital Tripoli say. 首都的黎波里當地官員稱,一架客機在利比亞境內墜毀,機上至少100名乘客罹難。
4.Saif al-Islam Gadhafi, the son of the Libyan leader, was among a jubilant crowd that welcomed Megrahi at the Tripoli airport on Thursday. 利比亞領導人的兒子賽義夫。伊斯蘭。卡扎菲也在星期四出現在的黎波里機場歡迎邁格拉希的人群中。
5.Approaching Tripoli our ships ran into a new minefield . 在駛近的黎波里港時,我們的船隻進入一個新佈雷區。