eliminative[i'limineit]adj.eliminate的變形vt. 除掉,除去,消除,排除,根除,擺脫,消滅: 例句:to eliminate hunger消滅飢餓現象to eliminate risks排除危險不加以考慮;拒絕;摒棄;刪去;省略;忽略: 例句:We have eliminated all statistical tables, which are of interest only to the specialist.我們刪去了全部統計表格,因只有專家才對這些表格感興趣。【體育】(比賽中)淘汰,刷掉: 例句:The team was eliminated.該隊被淘汰了。[口語]幹掉,殺死: 例句:to eliminate the enemy幹掉敵人【代數】消去(未知量)【生理學】(從體內)排除(廢料);排泄【化學】消除,消去近義詞: exclude變形: eliminated , eliminating
eliminative 消除;Eliminative materialism 取消唯物論;取消的唯物主義;消除性的唯物主義;
1.Another good property that Capsicum possesses is it acts as an internal disinfectant it can detoxify the colon and help with eliminative functions. 辣椒的另一優良性質是它相當於體內的消毒劑,可以為結腸解毒和幫助減輕功能。
2.A balancing of the glands of the emunctory system - the eliminative organs - could be brought about after the original therapy with the salts has ended. 排泄系統(排泄器官)的腺的平衡可能在原始的運用鹽治療法結束以後發生。
3.The asanas result in an improved blood and nerve supply to the digestive and eliminative systems, which in time will get them functioning at peak efficiency. 在改善血液和神經體式結果供應,消化和排泄系統,及時將讓他們在最高效率的運作。