mill- 磨坊,碾磨機;mill run-in table 機前輸入輥道;mill run-out table 軋機的輸出輥道;disc mill wheel-rolling mill 車輪軋機;sheet mill thin-sheet mill 薄板軋機;
1.Wearproof of GF ( glass fiber ) reinforced rubber composite was made with mill -mixing in solid state was study. 採用干法混煉工藝研究玻璃纖維增強橡膠複合材料的耐磨性。
2.Burkin and Ivan Ivanovitch went out on the balcony, from which there was a beautiful view over the garden and the mill-pond, which was shining now in the sunshine like a mirror. 伯京和伊凡·伊凡諾維奇去了陽台,從那兒能看到花園和磨坊池塘那邊的標緻景致,磨坊池塘此刻在陽光下像鏡子一樣閃閃發光。
3.The magistrate, after a wary observation of the darkness -- into which, nevertheless, he could see but little further than he might into a mill-stone -- retired from the window. 總督在小心翼翼地向暗中觀察一番之後,也縮回了身子,當然,在這般黑夜中他看不了多遠,比起要望穿一塊磨石相差無幾。