





a. pneumonic ,pulmonic


pulmonary['pʌlmənəri, 'pul-]adj. 肺的;有肺的;肺狀的


pulmonary 肺的;肺部的;呼吸;肺水腫;pulmonary tuberculosis 肺結核;肺結核病;肺 結 核(肺 癆);但以肺結石;pulmonary ventilation 肺通氣;肺換氣;通氣量;第一節 肺通氣;pulmonary artery 肺動脈;肺動脈;Pulmonary plague 肺鼠疫;


1.Objective: To study the liver protective effect of tiopronin in treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis patients with hepatitis B. 目的:觀察硫普羅寧對合併乙型肝炎的肺結核患者在抗癆治療時的保肝作用。

2.The protein product of the hemochromatosis (HFE) gene modulates uptake of iron and divalent cations from pulmonary 血色素沉著症基因產物蛋白介導從肺來源的鐵和二價陽離子的吸收並減少他們的毒性。

3.Background: Surgical resection is the standard of care for patients with resectable non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) or limited pulmonary metastases. 背景:對於可切除的非小細胞肺癌或局限性轉移患者而言手術切除是標準的治療方式。


pulmonary vein of upper lobe - 上葉肺靜脈

plexagenic pulmonary artery disease - 叢源性肺動脈病

toxic pulmonary edema - 中毒性肺水腫

anastomosis between arota and pulmonary artery - 主動脈-肺動脈吻合術

puerperal pulmonary embolism - 產後肺栓塞

congenital localized pulmonary emphysema - 先天性局限性肺氣腫

congenital pulmonary insufficiency - 先天性肺動脈瓣關閉不全

congenital stenosis of pulmonary valve - 先天性肺動脈瓣狹窄

congneital pulmonary arteriovenous fistula - 先天性肺動靜脈瘺

congenital cystic disease of lung崑; congential pulmonary cyst - 先天性肺囊腫

absence of pulmonary lobe - 先天性肺缺失

initial pulmonary burden - 初始肺負荷量

simple dilatation of pulmonary artery - 單純性肺動脈擴張

simple pulmonary stenosis; simple stenosis of pulmonary valve - 單純性肺動脈瓣狹窄

regional pulmonary function - 區域性肺功能

simple pulmonary eosinophilosis - 單純型肺嗜酸細胞增多症

isolated pulmonary stenosis - 單純肺動脈口狹窄

idiopathic dilation of pulmonary artery; simple dilatation of pulmonary artery - 單純肺動脈擴張

simple pulmonary stenosis - 單純肺動脈瓣狹窄

primary pulmonary arterial dilatation; primary pulmonary arteriectasia - 原發性肺動脈擴張

primary pulmonary hypertension - 原發性肺動脈高壓

primary pulmonary hypertension syndrome - 原發性肺動脈高血壓綜合征

idiopathic dilatation of pulmonary lartery - 原發性肺總動脈擴張

primary pulmonary tuberculosis - 原發性肺結核

allergic pulmonary alveolitis - 變應性肺泡炎

superior right pulmonary vein; vena pulmonalis superior dextra崑 - 右肺上靜脈

right inferior pulmonary vein; vena pulmonalis inferior dexter崑 - 右肺下靜脈

arteria pulmonalis dextra; right pulmonary artery - 右肺動脈

right pulmonary vein - 右肺靜脈

aspiration pneumonedema; aspiration pulmonary edema - 吸入性肺水腫

aspiration pneumonedema; aspiration pulmonary edema - 吸入性肺膿腫

pulmonary infiltration with eosinophils - 嗜曙紅粒細胞肺浸潤

eosinophilic pulmonary infiltration - 嗜酸粒細胞增多性肺浸潤

pulmonary infiltration with eosinophilia syndrome - 嗜酸細胞肺浸潤綜合征

traumatic pulmonary edema - 外傷性肺水腫

multiple pulmonary cyst - 多發性肺囊腫

massive pulmonary collapse - 大片肺萎病

pregnancy associated with pulmonary tuberculosis - 妊娠合併肺結核

familial pulmonary hypertension - 家族性肺動脈高壓

familial pulmonary emphysema - 家族性肺氣腫

lesser circulation; pulmonary circulation - 小循環

uremic pulmonary edema - 尿毒症性肺水腫

mean pulmonary artery pressure - 平均肺動脈壓

diffuse pulmonary fibrotic degeneration - 瀰漫性肺纖維變性

diffuse pulmonary disease - 瀰漫性肺部疾患

diffuse pulmonary interstitial fibrosis - 瀰漫性肺間質纖維化

diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis - 瀰漫性間質性肺纖維化

diffuse interstitial pulmonary calcification - 瀰漫性間質性肺鈣化

diffuse obstructive pulmonary syndrome - 瀰漫性阻塞性肺綜合征

formation; genesis; pulmonary cavitaton - 形成


n.蠱注 - a disease similar to pulmonary tuberculosis

n.先天性肺缺失 - absence of pulmonary lobe

n.急性化學性肺水腫 - acute chemical pulmonary edema

n.急性肺膿腫 - acute pulmonary abscess

n.急性肺泡炎 - acute pulmonary alveolitis

n.急性肺水腫 - acute pulmonary edema

n.急性肺動脈栓塞 - acute pulmonary embolism

n.急勞 - acute pulmonary tuberculosis

n.肺動脈未發育 - agenesis of pulmonary artery

n.變應性肺泡炎 - allergic pulmonary alveolitis

變應性肺疾病 - allergic pulmonary disease

n.阿米巴肺膿腫 - amebic pulmonary sbscess

n.降主動脈-肺動脈吻合術 - anastomosis between aorta and pulmonary artery

n.主動脈-肺動脈吻合術 - anastomosis between arota and pulmonary artery

n.肺動脈吻合術 - anastomosis of pulmonary artery

肺靜脈結合異常 - anomalous pulmonary venous connection

肺靜脈回流異常 - anomalous pulmonary venous drainage

肺靜脈回流異常 - anomalous pulmonary venous return

n.缺氧性肺功能不良 - anoxic impairment of pulmonary function

n.吸入性肺膿腫,吸入性肺水腫 - aspiration pulmonary edema

n.肺動脈環束術 - banding of pulmonary artery

肺動脈基底部 - basal part of pulmonary artery

n.肺動脈干杈 - bifurcation of pulmonary trunk

n.心肺康復 - cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation

n.心原性肺水腫 - cardiogenic pulmonary edema

n.機遇性肺部感染 - casual pulmonary infection

n.空洞性肺結核 - cavermous pulmonary tuberculosis

n.慢性纖維空洞型肺結核 - chronic fibro-cavitative pulmonary tuberculosis

n.慢性阻塞性肺病 - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

n.慢性阻塞性肺氣腫 - chronic obstructive pulmonary emphesema

n.慢性肺膿腫 - chronic pulmonary abscess

n.慢性肺氣腫 - chronic pulmonary emphysema

n.慢性肺原性心臟病 - chronic pulmonary heart disease

慢性呼吸不全 - chronic pulmonary insufficiency

慢性呼吸不全症 - chronic pulmonary insufficiency illness

n.慢性限制性肺病 - chronic restrictive pulmonary disease

n.非開放性肺結核 - closed pulmonary tuberculosis

n.先天性局限性肺氣腫 - congenital localized pulmonary emphysema

先天性肺囊腫 - congenital pulmonary cyst

n.先天性肺動脈瓣關閉不全 - congenital pulmonary insufficiency

n.先天性肺動脈瓣狹窄 - congenital stenosis of pulmonary valve

n.先天性肺囊腫 - congential pulmonary cyst

n.先天性肺動靜脈瘺 - congneital pulmonary arteriovenous fistula

n.隱原性致纖維性肺泡炎 - cryptogenic fibrotic pulmonary alveolitis

n.肺絡損傷 - damage of pulmonary vessels

n.瀰漫性間質性肺鈣化 - diffuse interstitial pulmonary calcification

n.瀰漫性間質性肺纖維化 - diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis

n.瀰漫性阻塞性肺綜合征 - diffuse obstructive pulmonary syndrome

n.瀰漫性肺部疾患 - diffuse pulmonary disease

n.瀰漫性肺纖維變性 - diffuse pulmonary fibrotic degeneration

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