bacon 燻肉;鹹肉;培根;鹹豬肉;Francis Bacon 培根;弗蘭西斯·培根;弗朗西斯·培根;英國哲學家培根;Fried bacon 煎煙肉;煎培根;bacon stone 凍石;凍石:透明或半透明的呈肉凍狀的葉臘石;bacon cheeseburger 臘肉奶酪漢堡包;
1.Aiken Bacon was baking bacon, the bacon he was baking was bought in Macon. So he was making baked Macon bacon. 阿肯。培根在烤制熏鹹肉,他烤的熏鹹肉是從梅肯買來的。
2.Then comes a substantial, usually cooked, course such as bacon and eggs, sausages and bacon or, sometimes, haddock or kippers. 然後再來一些干食(通常是已經做好了的粗食),如鹹豬肉和雞蛋,香腸和鹹豬肉。
3.Francis Bacon challenged Aristotle"s logic, and he wrote Novum Organum in which Bacon put forward Baconian Induction that widened the new research method." 弗蘭西斯·培根對亞里士多德的邏輯進行了挑戰,建構《新工具》,拓展了新的科學研究方法——培根式歸納法。
4.Products: Salty bacon, roasted pork, bacon, beef, hot pickled mustard tuber, sausage. 主要產品:鹽水火腿、烤豬肉、烤培根、烤牛肉、捆蹄、松花蛋腸、搾菜、香腸。
5.Products: Salty bacon, roasted pork, bacon, beef, hot pickled mustard tuber, sausage. 主要產品:鹽水火腿、烤豬肉、烤培根、烤牛肉、捆蹄、松花蛋腸、搾菜、香腸。
This bacon is great. - 肉做得太好了。
The Frenchman's breakfast coffee competes with the Englishman's bacon and eggs. - 法國人的早點咖啡和英國人的鹹肉煎蛋競相比美。
bacon spleen - 火腿脾