scotch-irish['skɔtʃ'aiəriʃ]adj. 愛爾蘭北部的蘇格蘭移民的後裔的n. 有蘇格蘭與愛爾蘭血統的人
scotch-irish 有愛爾蘭血統人;
1.You could not take up a newspaper, English, Scotch, or Irish, without finding in it one or more references to the "vest-pocket million-pounder" and his latest doings and saying. 不管你翻開哪份報紙,無論是英格蘭的,蘇格蘭的,還是愛爾蘭的,你總會看到一兩條有關「身藏百萬英鎊者」及其最新言行的消息。
2.The MacIntoshs were Scotch-Irish and Orangemen and, had they possessed all the saintly qualities of the Catholic calendar, this ancestry would have damned them forever in Gerald's eyes. 麥金托什家是蘇格蘭和愛爾蘭的混血,也是奧蘭治派分子,況且,如果他們具有天主教歷史中的全部聖潔品質,在傑拉爾德眼中,他們的祖先便會永遠詛咒他們了。
3.The youngest of three sons of Scotch-Irish immigrants, he grew up in rural South Carolina and attended local schools before leaving school to join the Army at age 13 during the American Revolution. 他成長於南卡羅萊那州的鄉下地方,十三歲加入軍旅參與獨立戰爭前、就讀的是當地的學校。