





a. pectoral


thoracic[θɔ:'ræsik, θəu-]adj. [解]胸的;胸廓的


thoracic 胸的,胸廓的;胸的;胸的 胸廓的;胸部;thoracic aorta 胸主動脈;胸織脈;胸主動脈;胸總動脈;thoracic cavity 胸腔;胸腔 漁農;thoracic respiration 胸式呼吸;thoracic clamp 胸腔夾,胸夾;


1.Watch the drain on that thoracic . 那個胸部的傷口要注意引流。

2.Objective To evaluate clinic value of echocardiogram diagnosis on aneurysm of thoracic aorta. 目的評價超聲心動圖在胸主動脈瘤診斷中的臨床價值。

3.Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is caused by compression of the brachial plexus, subclavian artery or vein as they exit the chest. 胸廓出口症候群是由於臂叢神經、鎖骨下動脈、或靜脈、行經胸廓時,受到壓迫所引起。


first thoracic vertebra; second thoracic vertebra - 余類推

ductus thoracicus dexter; right thoracic duct - 右胸導管

traumatic fisstula of thoracic duct - 外傷性胸導管瘺

infective fistula of thoracic duct - 感染性胸導管瘺

thoracic scissors - 深部胸腔剪

stiffness; thoracic spondylosis - 硬

first thoracic rib syndrome - 第一肋骨綜合征

first thoracic vertebra; second thoracic vertebra - 第一胸椎

first thoracic vertebra; second thoracic vertebra - 第二胸椎

shoulder girdle; thoracic girdle - 肩胛帶

tuberculosis of thoracic wall - 脅助疽

arteria thoracica superior; superior thoracic artery - 胸上動脈

lower intra thoracic esophagus胸下部食管 - 胸下部食管

chest wall; thoracic wall - 胸壁

wound infection of thoracic wall - 胸壁創口感染

disease of chest wall; disease of thoracic wall - 胸壁疾病

thoracic fistula - 胸壁瘺

sinus of thoracic wall - 胸壁竇道

thoracic tuberculosis; tuberculosis of chest wall - 胸壁結核

excision of thoracic tuberculosis - 胸壁結核病灶清除術

granulation of thoracic wound - 胸壁肉芽創面

thoracic abscess - 胸壁膿腫

thoracic actinomycosis - 胸大胸放線菌病

thoracic duct; thoracic lymph duct - 胸導管

thoracic duct pressure - 胸導管壓力

thoracic duct drainage - 胸導管引流

thoracic duct lymph - 胸導管淋巴

thoracic duct lymphocyte - 胸導管淋巴細胞

thoracic duct fistula - 胸導管瘺

arteria thoracica interna; internal thoracic artery - 胸廓內動脈

thoracic partial diskectomy - 胸椎間盤部分切除術

thoracic nerves - 胸神經

the thoracic cavity; thor thorax; thorthorax - 胸腔

thoracic surgical instruments - 胸腔外科器械

drainage of pleural cavity; thoracic drainage - 胸腔引流

thoracic drainage trocar - 胸腔引流套管針

thoracic drainage trocar - 胸腔引流穿刺套管針

thoracic index - 胸腔指數

thoracic hemostatic forceps - 胸腔止血鉗

thoracic gas volume - 胸腔氣體容量

thoracic tissue forceps - 胸腔組織鉗

thoracic tissue forceps - 胸腔組織鑷

pars thoracica; thor thorax; thoracic part; thorthorax - 胸部

thoracic inferior vena cava - 胸部下腔靜脈

thoracic outlet syndrome - 胸部出口綜合征

thoracic retractor - 胸部牽開器

thoracic asphyxiant dystrophy - 胸部窒息性營養不良

long thoracic nerve; nervus thoracicus longus - 胸長神經

columna thoracica; thoracic column - 脊髓胸柱

nucleus thoracicus; thoracic nucleus - 脊髓胸核


窒息性胸廓異常 - asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia

n.胸壁疾病 - disease of thoracic wall

n.胸壁結核病灶清除術 - excision of thoracic tuberculosis

n.第一肋骨綜合征 - first thoracic rib syndrome

n.第二胸椎,第一胸椎 - first thoracic vertebra

n.胸壁肉芽創面 - granulation of thoracic wound

胸最上動脈 - highest thoracic artery

n.感染性胸導管瘺 - infective fistula of thoracic duct

吸氣胸廓隱窩,吸氣胸廓陷窩 - inspiratory thoracic recess

n.胸廓內動脈 - internal thoracic artery

內胸靜脈 - internal thoracic vein

胸外側動脈 - lateral thoracic artery

胸外側靜脈 - lateral thoracic vein

n.貝爾氏神經,胸長神經 - long thoracic nerve

n.胸下部食管 - lower intra thoracic esophagus胸下部食管

n.胸正中的 - mid thoracic

n.右胸導管 - right thoracic duct

n.第二胸椎,第一胸椎 - second thoracic vertebra

n.胸壁竇道 - sinus of thoracic wall

n.胸上動脈 - superior thoracic artery

n.胸腔 - the thoracic cavity

n.外傷性胸導管瘺 - traumatic fisstula of thoracic duct

n.脅助疽 - tuberculosis of thoracic wall

n.胸壁創口感染 - wound infection of thoracic wall

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