exerciser for wheeling shoulder-joint 釋義:肩關節旋轉訓練器;roller machine roller press rolling machine wheeling machine 滾壓機;wheeling 拉旋坯;旋轉用車輛運輸;旋轉,轉動;惠林;Wheeling Nailers 威靈釘工隊;Wheeling Attack 騎乘攻擊;披荊斬棘;
1.There was not a sound but the starlings, wheeling and flocking, wheeling and turning over the edge of Afghanistan. 那裡一點聲音也沒有,只有歐掠鳥成群在阿富汗邊際來來回回盤旋。
2.I listened to the Opry out of Nashville and the Wheeling Jamboree on Saturday nights. So I'd been exposed to country from very young. 我在星期六晚上收聽納什維爾的鄉村音樂實況和不間斷的廣播,所以我從很小就受到鄉村歌曲的熏陶。
3.Namib wheeling spiders, pangolins and web-toed salamanders also make use of stop, drop, and roll. Now that's ninja. 納米比輪蛛、穿山甲和蹼趾火蜥蜴也可以停下來蜷縮成團滾動。
4.Alan Sunderland wheeling away in the dying minutes of the 1979 final, and Ryan Giggs slaloming through the Arsenal defence only to fire his shot over an open goal. 阿倫桑德蘭在1979年決賽的最後時刻進球,以及吉格斯一人擊敗阿森納後防,將球射入空門的鏡頭都歷歷在目。
5.Namib wheeling spiders, pangolins and web-toed salamanders also make use of stop, drop, and roll. Now that's ninja. 納米比輪蛛、穿山甲和蹼趾火蜥蜴也可以停下來蜷縮成團滾動。