carmeln. 卡梅爾(位於美國)
Carmel 卡梅爾;卡邁爾;卡美爾;卡麥爾;Ilana Carmel 以色列 -;CARMEL VASSALLO 卡梅爾·瓦薩洛;Mount Carmel 迦密山;卡梅爾山;芒特卡梅爾;卡梅爾莊園;Charles Carmel 卡梅爾;
1.As surely as I live - says the King whose name is Yahweh Sabaoth - one will come who is like Tabor, like Carmel above the sea. 我永在──那稱謂萬軍上主的君王的斷語──有一位必要前來,勢如群山中的大博爾,又如海濱的加爾默耳。
2.He says sharp words to the sea and makes it dry, drying up all the rivers: Bashan is feeble, and Carmel, and the flower of Lebanon is without strength. 一呵叱海洋,海洋即枯竭,眾河流也為之乾涸,巴商與加爾默耳於是枯槁,黎巴嫩的花卉也隨之凋謝。
3.If you have time you might like to go by bus to Carmel, a hundred miles south of San Francisco, where you will discover a wild and wonderful coast with high cliffs. 如果有時間,你可以乘車到位於舊金山南部一百多里的卡梅爾,在那兒,你會發現粗獷而神奇的岸邊高高聳立著懸崖峭壁。