n. cornflour
cornstarch['kɔ:n,stɑ:tʃ]n. 玉米澱粉;玉蜀黍澱粉
Cornstarch 太白粉;玉米澱粉;澱粉;玉米粉;Tablespoon Cornstarch 湯匙玉米粉;Thickening with mixture of cornstarch and water 勾芡;Thickening with mixture of cornstarch and runing runing water 勾芡;Synthesis and Structural Performance of Cornstarch Adhesive Modified with Amidogen Resin 下一篇論文: 氨基樹脂改性澱粉膠粘劑合成、結構與性能的研究;
1.What kind of substance do you get if you mix water with cornstarch? 若你將玉米澱粉和水混和,會得到什麼物質呢?
2.Cut each egg tofu into 4 portions, roll each portion with few slices of beef, seal the edges with some cornstarch. 每條玉子豆腐平均切成4件,放牛肉片中捲成筒狀,收口處灑少許粟粉封口。
3.Sift together the flour, cornstarch and cocoa powder in a bowl. Grease a 26cm heart-shape spring form. Preheat the oven to 175C/350F. 狀態離線1。麵粉,澱粉和可可粉混合過篩到一個盆裡。準備一個26厘米的心型蛋糕模。預熱烤箱到175C/350F。