





epigastric distension and depression 脘腹脹悶;ambivalent depression 矛盾性抑鬱症;suffer bouts of depression 不時感到灰心喪氣;depression caldera 陷落巨火山口;陷落巨火口;Caspian Depression 海沿岸低地;


1.Believe it or not, depression can be good for your health. Ok, not that kind of depression. An economic depression. 信不信由你,消沉對你的健康有好處。好的,並不是那種消沉。是經濟的消沉。

2.The state of depression was measured with Hamilton rating scale for depression (HAMD) and serum BDNF levels in depression patients and healthy controls were assayed by ELISA. 採用漢密爾頓抑鬱量表(HAMD)評定患者組及對照組的抑鬱狀態;採用ELISA檢測各組血清BDNF水平。

3.Results Horizontal or adown &oblique depression of ST segments outbalance to upwards &oblique depression for diagnosis of coronary heart diseases. 結果ST段水平型或下斜型壓低者診斷冠心病意義大。

4.And the therapist theory, that financial worries cause stress, stress can cause depression, and depression is a total connubial buzz kill. 診斷說認為,經濟上的憂慮往往導致壓力,壓力就會引起消沉,而消沉是婚姻破裂的始作俑。

5.Bernanke Belief #1: Monetary Policy Was Overly Tight at the Outset of the Great Depression. Ergo, Keep Interest Rates Low Today to Avoid Another Depression. 伯南克1號信條:貨幣政策在大蕭條開始時過度緊縮。由此,今天保持低利率以避免另一場大蕭條。


depression of the senve emotions generates fire - 七情郁而化火

deopression of freezing point; depression of freezing point - 冰點降低

verdum depression rating scale - 凡爾登抑鬱等級標度

reactive depression psychosis - 反應性抑鬱性精神病

collapsed teratism; depression deformity - 塌陷畸形

ahypnosis; asomnia; depression syndrome; sleepless - 失眠

cephalalgia; cephalodynia; depression syndrome; headache - 頭痛

depression syndrome - 抑鬱綜合征

self-rating depression scale - 抑鬱自我評定標準

molar depression of freezing point - 摩爾凝固點降低

depression of the liver wood; stagnant wood - 木郁

depression of the liver wood causes wind syndrome - 木郁化風

dizziness due to depression of qi - 氣鬱眩暈

saucer-shaped depression of vitrefous body - 玻璃體碟狀凹

relieving depression of the liver-qi; soothing the liver - 疏肝

depression of the spleen-qi - 脾氣不舒


n.激越性抑鬱症 - agitated depression

n.依賴性試驗,依賴性抑鬱症 - anaclitic depression

焦慮抑鬱症 - anxiety depression

n.淡漠性抑鬱 - apathetic depression

n.聽力遲鈍 - auditus depression

心房凹陷 - auricular depression

n.沸點降低 - boiling point depression

心臟抑制 - cardiac depression

心機能低下 - cardiac function depression

陰極後抑制,陰極抑制 - cathodal depression

陰極後抑制 - cathodic depression

抑鬱體質 - constitutional depression

n.杯口狀凹陷 - crateriform depression

n.非典型抑鬱症表現的憂鬱症 - depressive sine depression

n.氣鬱眩暈 - dizziness due to depression of qi

二重抑鬱症 - double depression

n.內因性抑鬱病 - endogenous depression

病勞性病 - Erschopfungs depression

衰竭性譫妄 - exhaustion depression

外因性抑鬱 - exogenous depression

冰點下降 - freezing point depression

n.漏斗狀凹隱 - funnel-shaped depression

近交衰退,自交衰退 - inbreeding depression

n.更年期憂抑鬱症 - involutional depression

六月病 - June depression

n.躁狂抑鬱症性抑鬱症 - manic-depressive depression

面具樣抑鬱 - masked depression

n.精神抑鬱,冤 - mental depression

n.摩爾凝固點降低 - molar depression of freezing point

n.克分子降低 - molecular depression

n.克分子凝固點降低 - molsr depression

n.情感低落 - mood depression

n.官能性抑鬱症,神經官能性抑鬱症 - neurotic depression

n.旋光性降低 - optical depression

白血壓鰭 - patient with depression

週期性抑鬱 - periodic depression

生理性凹陷 - physiological depression

強直後降低,強直(刺激)後壓低 - post-tetanic depression

n.種群減退 - population depression

陰極後抑制 - postcathodal depression

n.精神病性抑鬱症,精神抑鬱 - psychotic depression

反作用性憂鬱效應 - reaction depression effect

n.反應性抑鬱 - reactive depression

n.反應性抑鬱性精神病 - reactive depression psychosis

n.疏郁理氣 - regulating qi by alleviation of mental depression

減輕抑鬱 - relief depression

n.疏肝 - relieving depression of the liver-qi

呼吸抑制 - respiratory depression

盆狀凹陷 - sagging type depression

n.玻璃體碟狀凹 - saucer-shaped depression of vitrefous body

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