Mona Bazooka 莫娜自製簡陋長號式樂器圖片;Drowning Mona 淹死惡婆娘;淹死惡;Mona Lisa and Mad Hatters 蒙娜麗莎與瘋狂帽商;Mona Lisa Klaxon 蒙娜·麗莎·克拉克松;Mona 荒地;唯一的,獨特的;高貴;希臘 孤獨;
1.His daughter, "Louise, " is by now a college sophomore, "Mona Dahl" is a student in Paris. 他的女兒,「路易絲」,現在已是一名大二學生;
2.Mona is hungry, her dress is thin. Nothing but evening wraps, bottles of perfume, barbaric earrings, bracelets, depilatories. 莫娜餓了,而且她的衣服很單保除了晚禮服、香水、俗氣的耳環、手鐲和脫毛劑,她什麼也沒有。
3.Mona Lisa, the picture of a Florentine lady, has something of a magical effect. 蒙娜麗莎是一位佛羅倫薩女士的畫像,是一幅絕妙的作品。
4.It is said that the louver has three most precious treasures, namely, Venus de Milo, Winged Victory and Mona Lisa. 據說,法國著名的盧浮宮有三件寶:一是《米洛斯的阿芙羅狄德》;二是《薩莫色雷斯的勝利女神》;三是《蒙娜麗莎》。
5.The original Mona Lisa is an oil painting on a board of poplar and is housed at the Louvre Museum in Paris. 《蒙娜麗莎》的原作是一幅畫在白楊樹板上的油畫,如今收藏在巴黎的羅浮宮博物館。