rock-firm 堅如磐石的;堅如磐石的,堅定不移的;屹立不動的;
1.stand rock-firm in the family of nations. 中華民族將以更加強勁的英姿屹立於世界民族之林。
2."Today, a socialist China geared to modernization, the world and the future has stood rock-firm in the east of the world, " Mr. Hu said. 今天,一個面向現代化、面向世界、面向未來的社會主義中國已經巍然屹立在世界東方。
3.Be loyal. It is disturbing that you have not got the rock-firm fame of loyalty before 35 and you will not be popular among the people around your career. 第十,對人要忠誠。如果你到了35歲仍未能建立起堅如磐石的忠誠信譽,這一缺點將會困擾你一生。不忠誠的惡名必然會使你在事業上到處不受歡迎。