Socratic questioning 蘇格拉底式發問;蘇格拉底提問法;Socratic method 蘇格拉底式教學法;蘇格拉底問答法;蘇格拉底教學法;蘇格拉底法;the Socratic method 蘇格拉底方法;又稱蘇格拉底法;the Socratic method of teaching 蘇格拉底教學方法;Socratic 蘇格拉底;蘇格拉底式;蘇格拉底哲學的;蘇格拉底[哲學] 的;
1.This is the classic, the beautiful, the elegant form of the Socratic Method. 這是蘇格拉底式教學法的經典的,美麗的,高雅的形式。
2.Law teachers in almost all law schools use to some extent the case method or the Socratic method. 幾乎所有法學院的法律教師都在一定程度上採用案例教學法或蘇格拉底教學法。
3.A second technique is the opposite of a lecture. It is called the Socratic method, named after the approach of Socrates. 第二種方法恰與第一種方法相反,因該方法曾被蘇格拉底採用過,故取其名為「蘇格拉底教學法」。
4.This is the classic, the beautiful, the elegant form of the Socratic Method. 這是蘇格拉底式教學法的經典的,美麗的,高雅的形式。
5.The "Socratic Problem" consists of two propositions, i. e. , "Virtue is knowledge" and "Virtue is teachable", which have been misunderstood for a long time. 「蘇格拉底問題」由「德性即知識」和「德性可教」兩個命題所構成,圍繞這兩個命題存在著長期誤解和以訛傳訛現象。