unconfessed 未供認;未承認;
1.It's not that He cannot hear us when we have unconfessed sin, but that He will not. 不是我們有未承認的罪他就聽不見我們的禱告,乃是他不去聽我們的禱告。
2.Isaiah states here a lasting principle of the Word of God-God cannot and will not bless where there is unconfessed sin. 以賽亞在這裡提出了一個不變的原則,是聖經一直強調的,就是人若有隱藏的罪,就必得不到神的祝福。
3.In Psalm 32 David makes clear that unconfessed sin builds a wall between ourselves and God. David was speaking from experience. 大衛在詩篇32篇清楚表明,未承認的罪,會在我們和神中間形成一道牆,這是他的經驗之談。