heftier['hefti][口語]adj. 重的,沉重的巨大的,異常大的高大健壯的,強壯的相當多的;相當程度的;豐盛的有力的;猛烈的adv. 強有力地;非常,極度n. 體格健壯的人變形: heftyier , heftyiest
heftier 更重;A Heftier Price Tag 中國的聯合國會費增加;
1.Combined with their own screeches, lesser knell beetles often seem as durable, if not more so, than their heftier kin. 再加上它們自身的尖嘯,小喪鐘甲蟲通常被認為即使沒有超過,也至少同它們那些肌肉發達的同胞同樣的持久。
2.In comparison, clearly, the North American version is distinct from the worldwide model, being both larger and heftier. 相比之下,很顯然,北美版是不同的全球模式,既是更大,失約退。
3.But, by using the melamine additive, the feed seller makes a heftier profit because melamine scrap is much cheaper than soy, wheat or corn protein. 但是,用三聚氰胺添加劑飼料,賣方牟取高額利潤,因為三聚氰胺廢料要比大豆,小麥或玉米的蛋白質要便宜許多。