hemoglobinS[,hi:məu'ɡləubin; ,hem-]n.[主美國英語] =haemoglobin[參較heme]
hemoglobinS 鐮刀細胞血紅蛋白;血紅素;mutant hemoglobins 釋義:變種血紅蛋白;abnormal hemoglobins with altered oxygen affinity 釋義:氧親和力改變的異常血紅蛋白;abnormal hemoglobins with decreased oxygen affinity 釋義:氧親和力減低的異常血紅蛋白;abnormal hemoglobins with increased oxygen affinity 釋義:氧親和力增高的異常血紅蛋白;
1.PFCs cause a transient drop in platelet counts, while most of the hemoglobins cause a temporary increase in blood pressure. pfc會產生暫時性血小板數量降低,而多數血紅蛋白則導致臨時血壓升高。
2.Using an HPLC procedure, we detect over 10 minor hemoglobins (Hbs) in health people and longterm aspirin taken patients and uremic patients. 採用高效液相層析(HPLC)方法,對健康人以及長期服用阿斯匹林的病人,尿毒症患者和糖尿病病人體內10種以上血紅蛋白亞型進行了分析檢測。
3.Variant hemoglobins (see sickle-cell anemia; hemoglobinopathy) can be used to trace past human migrations and to study genetic relationships among populations. 異常的血紅蛋白有助於追溯人類過去的遷移情況,並有助於對人群中遺傳關係的研究。