hfrabbr. [核]高(中子)通量反應堆(High Flux Reactor)
hfr 高頻重組;Hedge Fund Research;Huge Fast Router;Hfr cells 高頻細胞;hfr strain 高頻重組菌株;HFR HighFrequencyOscillator 高頻振蕩器;HFR high frequency recombinant 高頻重組體;
1.According to HFR, the average convertible arbitrage strategy returned more than 56 per cent in 200
9. 對沖基金研究公司的數據顯示,2009年可轉債套利策略的平均回報率超過56%。
2.Figures from Hedge Fund Research (HFR), a consultancy, show that the average fund gained
5. 2% in May, the best monthly performance since 2000. 咨詢公司,對沖基金研究(HFR)的數據顯示各基金五月平均收益為5。2%,是自2000年來表現最好的一次。
3.Figures from HFR show that investors withdrew around $104 billion in the first quarter of the year, which was more than 7% of the industry's total assets. 對沖基金研究會的數據顯示,今年一季度投資方撤資額大概是1040億美元,這個數字要比整個行業總資產的70%還多。