inseparability[in,sepərə'biləti]n. 不可分離性
inseparability 不可分性;不可分離性;無二分別;不可分割性;exponent of inseparability 不可分性指數;degree of inseparability 不可分次數;law of inseparability 不可分律;inseparability of the body and spirit 形與神俱;
1.but also emphasizes the inseparability of the process and the result. 並且強調了過程與結果的不可分割性。
2.In the case of capital limit, the inseparability of human capital increases agency cost while the absence of capital market efficiency decreases it. 在資本限額的條件下,一方面人力資本的不可分散性增加代理成本,另一方面資本市場的效率缺失降低代理成本。
3.In The Good Earth the physical harmony between man and land and spiritual inseparability of them reflected the relation between man and nature in Confucianism. 《大地》裡人與土地在物質上的和諧和精神上的不可分割體現了儒家思想裡人與自然的關係。