lo-fi['ləu'fai]adj. 低保真的;低度傳真性的n. 低保真度音響
Lo-Fi 低保真;低保真的;低傳真;低傳真;Distortion Lo-fi 失真低保真;kenny bee lo-fi 末世紀的呼聲;
1.I still wanted to keep that lo-fi sound so we recorded in a studio on analog equipment. 因為我還想保持那種低保真音響,所以我們在錄音室裡用模擬設備來錄音。
2.This is a "lo-fi" version of our main content. To view the full version with more information, formatting and images, please click here. 而且最主要的是像執政官/神使這種階級名稱加在所有的亞空身上總覺得分類不嚴謹…
3.At first, its selection of recordings seems banal, but on closer listen through headphones one can discern layers of sounds behind the lo-fi hiss. 所選的這些錄音看起來很平常,但是用耳機去仔細聆聽,就可以分辨出低保真背後的聲音的層次感。